Picture of SCP-104.
Item #: SCP-104
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: A manor in █████████, CA has been purchased by the Foundation. The Foundation's front, known as Custer Manor, is maintained in the present by a group of staff.
The manor building is to be maintained as the appearance of a residence, with the exception of the basement and underneath it. The basement, currently bricked up, is to serve as the containment area for SCP-104, hereafter referred to as 'the Nuthouse'.
Any personnel moving through the manor are to wear full security gear at all times. Personnel are to be briefed on what to expect after entering SCP-104, and upon exiting are to not speak about it for at least one month.
Description: SCP-104 is an abandoned house located in █████████, CA. SCP-104 was purchased by the Foundation in 1944 and has had no recorded entry or presence until ████████, 1952. At this time, a man named ███████ ███████ entered SCP-104 and several days later died of starvation.
SCP-104 has no apparent entrance. It is described as having thirty rooms, all with different layouts and color schemes. Floor tiles and walls are all different between rooms, giving a very confusing feel to the structure. However, each room is always arranged around one central area surrounded by what appears to be windows or doors.
No door can be found from outside SCP-104 into the interior, nor can any window that appears to lead outside be found inside. Every door inside SCP-104 will open outward if opened from inside; the only known exception is on the north west corner of the basement, which opens inward for unknown reasons.
SCP-104 is highly flammable; any sustained fire will ignite the entire structure in short time regardless of methods used to extinguish it. The current Foundation containment procedures have been set up due to extensive damage that occurred in 1945 when attempts to burn SCP-104 were made; however, compared to earlier containment efforts this fire has caused little damage due to the extra protection provided by SCP-636 itself now being contained within it.
Addendum 104-1: Research Log
Date: ██/██/1952
Subject: Dr. ██████, a psychologist with the Foundation, was given the task of relaying information about SCP-104 to the lead researcher, Dr. █████, and liaising with him on possible containment procedures.
Dr. █████ was given the contents of previous research logs on SCP-104, and asked to review them for any information he had missed or any changes that may have been made. He wrote a series of questions in the margins to ensure he understood the recent changes.
Following this review, Dr. █████ was briefed on what he would find inside SCP-104 and what to expect, as well as what to do after exiting SCP-104. He then proceeded to enter SCP-104 alone, and was not heard from again until five days later.
The following is a transcript from Dr. █████\'s research log, starting two days into his confinement:
Dr. █████: So I\'m guessing you gave me all this because I\'ve been out here for too long?
Dr. █████: And that\'s fine too. I don\'t need much convincing about that. The manor is one giant puzzle for you, but you shouldn\'t feel pressured to solve it in one day. That\'s not how it works when you\'re dealing with something like this. You just have to take your time, read and take notes, ask questions if you can\'t figure things out. An experienced field agent won\'t be able to solve this in a week, even if they\'ve seen every room in it before.
[Dr. █████ begins walking around the manor.]
Dr. █████: So far so good… there\'s nothing too unusual here. A few rooms are just carpeted; the rest have some kind of wallpaper or paint that I can\'t identify yet. There\'s a lot of dust and dirt though, I\'m surprised it doesn\'t smell worse than it does. But other than that… it seems normal enough.
[Dr. █████ notices someone inside the basement room.]
Dr. █████: Oh my gosh… oh my gosh… oh my GOSH! No no no no no no no no no no NOOO! Get away from me!
[Dr. █████ attempts to open the basement door.]
Dr. █████: Open up damnit! You don\'t take advantage of your position! This is against protocol!
[There is no response from inside the basement.]
Dr. █████: …Right… well I\'ll just go down and see what\'s going on then… wait… is that a body? Who died down there? Fuck, maybe I should\'ve gone through first-hand experience before making this request… should have prepared myself better…
[Dr. █████ makes his way down the stairs.]
Dr. █████: All right, this is pretty rough stuff boys and girls… I\'ve seen some pretty bad shit in my time but this might be up there with it… God help me… you know what? Never mind… I don\'t need to see anything else now… I can handle it from upstairs… just stay down there, okay? Let nobody else come down here unless it\'s necessary… all right? I\'m sorry for ruining your fun down there… but you didn\'t deserve any of this shit anyhow, you were just doing your job and there\'s nothing wrong with that… so go back down there and spend your paycheck if you want to get back at me for coming down here… all right? Stay safe everyone; we\'re almost done with this now… all right? …I said all right? …Oh fuck off fuck off fuck off FUCK OFF!!! You don\'t take advantage of your position! This is against protocol! Ooooooh God damnit why won\'t you leave mister? You know who I am? Just leave me alone! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! GET AWAY FROM ME! OH GOD JUST FUCKING LEAVE ME ALONE! GOD DAMNIT PLEASE GOD JUST FUCKING LEAVE ME ALONE! GOD DAMNIT FUCK OFF JUST FUCK IT ALL TO HELL FUCK IT ALL TO HELL FUCK IT ALL TO HELL FUCK IT ALL TO HELL FUCK IT ALL TO HELL FUCK IT ALL TO HELL FUCK IT ALL TO HELL FUCK IT ALL TO HELL FUCK IT ALL TO HELL FU-OH GOD PLEASE NO NO NO NO NO NO NO OH GOD PLEASE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE OH MY GOD PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE OH MY GOD PLEASE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE OH GOD I\'M SORRY SO SORRY SO SORRY SO SORRY SO SORRY SO SORRY SO SORRY SO SORRY OH MY GOD PLEASE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE OH MY GOD PLEASE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE OH MY GOD PLEASE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE OH MY GOD PLEASE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE OH MY GOD YOU\'RE NOTHING BUT A BITCH YOU DON\'T DESERVE ANY OF THIS YOU KNOW WHO THE FUCK WE ARE LEAVE ME ALONE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE JUST LEAVE MEE-OH MY GOD PLEASE LET MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-oh God please let me out o-oh God please let me out o-oh God please let me out o-oh God please let me out o-oh God please let me out o-oh God please let me out o-oh God please let me out o-oh God please let me out o-oh God please let me out o-oh God please let me out o-oh God please let me out o-oh God please let me out o-oh God please let me out o-oh God please let me out o-oh God please let me out o-oh God please let me out o-oh God please let me out o-oh God please let me out o-oh God please let me out o-oh God please let me out o-oh God please let me out o-oh God please let me out o-oh God please let me out o-oh God please let me out o-oh God please let me out o-oh God please let me out o-oh God please let me out -OH GOD WHAT AM I DOING HERE?! WHAT IS THIS?! WHY WAS I EVEN HERE? WHAT DID I HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING?! WHY WON\'T THEY LEAVE ME ALONE? WHY CAN\'T THEY EVER LET US OUT?! WHERE AM I?! WHERE AM I?! WHERE AM I?! WHERE AM I?! WHERE AM I?! WHERE AM I?! WHERE AM I?! WHERE AMI?!WHEREAMI?!"