
Picture of SCP-107.

Item #: SCP-107

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-107 is to be contained within a sealed containment unit at Site-27. Introductions to human subjects are prohibited; personnel handling SCP-107 should wear full hazmat suits and respirators at all times.

The air in the containment unit is to be filtered and must not exceed 7 µm PMMA particle size. The edepositor supplied with SCP-107 should be sterilized via gamma irradiation at least once every three years. Any waste water from the sterilization process must be disposed of in accordance with local regulations.

Description: SCP-107 is a set of stencils and a small plastic cup. The stencils are both etched with the letter "A" (henceforth referred to as SCP-107-A). It is currently unknown how these items were produced, but it is believed they were manufactured in the late 1970s or early 1980s.

When mixed with paint, either water-based or solvent-based, SCP-107 creates "Bitrooper Paint." When dried and cured, Bitrooper Paint has the same visual properties as real bituminous paint (primarily being opaque), but can be reused thousands of times without degradation.

SCP-107 was first discovered by Foundation agent ██████ ████████ during the Araida family's home remodeling project. Agent ██████ had been attempting to track down a workman who had been using Foundation property to create anomalous materials on a regular basis. After interviewing the workman and conducting some basic research into his methods, Agent ██████ discovered that SCP-107 had been used in another construction project earlier in the year.

Further investigation into the second area revealed that SCP-107 had been used in order to recreate an underground portion of SCP-106's basement. Testing has since determined that SCP-107 has no anomalous properties when used externally; only when put into use on an object existing within SCP-106's primary anomaly's space.

Addendum 107-A: Interview Log


Agent ██████: I'd like to ask you some questions about what you've been doing with SCP-107.

Workman ████: Look, I'm busy. Can I call back in a few hours?

Agent ██████: It won't take that long. We just need to clear up some details about your previous job.

Workman ████: Fine. What do you want to know?

Agent ██████: How did you get the stencils? Where did you find the cup?

Workman ████: Now listen here, pal. I don't know anything about those things. Just tell these clowns to leave me alone.