Picture of SCP-112.
Item #: SCP-112
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-112 is currently kept in a steel storage locker in Site-64. Due to its size and unwieldy nature, SCP-112 is to be kept at a maximum of fifty (50) meters from any Foundation personnel or civilians who come into contact with it. The exterior walls of the containment locker are lined with lead shielding.
Description: SCP-112 is a humanoid entity with an approximate height of 1.5 meters, weighing 8.5 kg, and black eyes that reflect an iridescent turquoise blue. SCP-112 stands upright and walks on two legs, with a pair of wings protruding from its back. The wings are composed of lightweight tanned leather and measure 2 m long by 0.2 m wide at their widest point.
SCP-112 appears to be a man or woman dressed in the Victorian era; however, because of its animalistic physiology, it is unknown whether it is capable of biological reproduction. (See Interview Log 112.)
SCP-112's skin and feathers are heavily mutated to be more resistant to damage from exposure to water, having become waterproof and fireproof respectively. A "furry" tail growing out of the base of its spine also serves as a sensory organ that can detect changes in the environment through olfaction. The other organs are consistent with those of a human being.
SCP-112 has an unusual metabolism, processing food through its skin rather than through digestion as humans do. Rather than eating solid foods, SCP-112 consumes magentum powder (formally known as nefellium) via inhalation until it reaches saturation point; this powder is metallic in appearance due to its high levels of iron and sulfur content.
Magentum powder is highly flammable and explosive when ignited, causing severe burns to SCP-112's internal organs as well as burning away its hair follicles. SCP-112 cannot feel pain or pleasure during this process, only suffering discomfort until it processes all the powder. If it is not fed additional nefellium during this process, SCP-112 dies within three days due to starvation.
Addendum 112: SCP-112 has been observed to have a preference for Victorian-era architecture in the style of Queen Anne and Regency style homes. It has been theorized that this may be due to a cultural memory of the Victorian era and its unique buildings, which have since become rare in modern society, or a subconscious desire to recreate a more peaceful time in history, although this theory is purely speculative.
Interview Log 112:
Agent █████: Hello, SCP-112. My name is Agent ████████. I\'m assigned to your containment. May I ask how you were created?
SCP-112: Yes, of course. Ah, what a pleasant surprise, meeting you here!
Agent █████: Thank you. The reason I asked is because this is an unusual situation. We\'re not sure what to make of it.
SCP-112: Don\'t get me wrong, of course — I\'ve heard all about you from the others here. I can see why you would be confused around here. And… I am confused, too.
Agent █████: Can you tell me about your origin?
SCP-112: Well, let\'s see… The first thing I remember is waking up in your containment site on the 18th of June, 1819. It was an awful day — I don\'t know why any of you are surprised, it\'s only natural for new arrivals like me to have some troubles getting used to our new bodies! Anyway, as long as there\'s no one else here who remembers these things, it doesn\'t really matter. And let\'s face it; this place is like a little slice of paradise compared to where we came from…
Agent █████: Erm… Excuse me? Where did you come from?
SCP-112: Oh, right… Sorry about that. It\'s just that… well, it\'s kind of hard to explain. So many things are different when you\'re alone on your own little island. Anyway, it may sound rude but I don\'t really want to talk about it if you don\'t mind. We both know how much they\'re going to want details when they find out… Come to think of it — what am I doing here in the first place?
Agent █████: Erm… You\'re here because you were found near Site-64 and brought in for observation. Is that correct?
SCP-112: That\'s right! But after all these years, I still don\'t understand why… I mean, what happened back then? Why am I here? I know that there was some kind of anomaly or something… but what was it exactly? By "they", do you mean the Foundation? Or was it something else? You see… it\'s been so long now that I can barely remember anything that happened before the accident…
Agent █████: Wait… What accident?
SCP-112: Oh right! Well, that\'s the thing — before I got trapped down here with everyone else on this island, my memory went blank seven years ago in 1815… and that was only the beginning of my troubles. Since then I\'ve been trying desperately to remember what happened to me during those seven years, but nothing ever seems to stick in my mind… and my memories never seem to come out right either…
Agent █████: Could you tell me how you got trapped down here with everyone else?
SCP-112: Well, there was this boat out on the water that night — the SS Gordon — that caught fire and sank during a storm after its crew tried to take off in a lifeboat. They even reported seeing smoke coming from their ship as they made their escape! The Coast Guard recovered five survivors from the wreckage — including four other men and myself — but none of us could remember much about what had happened while we were aboard the ship at all! We all had our memories wiped clean by some kind of unknown force while we were under water… and when we woke up here on this island seven years later we couldn\'t remember anything at all about what had happened during those seven years at sea! Heh… strange isn\'t it?
Agent █████: And then you fell into the ocean from there? Is that what happened?
SCP-112: Right! That\'s exactly what happened! See — you can see why people would be confused around here when they can\'t remember their pasts! When someone\'s not even sure what happened to them during their entire lives… well, it\'s a bit hard for anyone to make sense of it! And that\'s just one little problem among many others...
Agent █████: And are there any more problems you\'d like to mention? Or am I missing something important?
SCP-112: Oh yes — plenty more problems! There were so many things that went wrong with my body over these past seven years! First off — my skin became all wrinkly and cracked after spending so much time exposed to water without any protection whatsoever! Then my feathers started falling out one by one — not even able to keep them in their own shape anymore! My tail has gone completely bald by now and I haven\'t been able to grow any new ones in more than a year now! In fact — I\'m actually starting to feel pretty desperate! No matter how hard I try — my body just won\'t do what I tell it anymore! It\'s like there\'s something holding me back from being able to do whatever I want with my life anymore! You see… since reaching saturation point on magentum powder last week — and since then everything has gone downhill for me! (Pause) Sorry about that — just not used to having anyone listen to me blabber on about myself like this... But then again — maybe hearing about me makes you feel better about your own predicament? Maybe talking about myself gives you hope that everything will be okay for you too? (Pause) Thanks for listening; it really helped me get through today with my thoughts. Can we talk again later if necessary? By "later" I mean next week at five o\'clock in the afternoon on Tuesday; it\'ll give me time to go home and think things over before then, okay? Thanks again; it really meant a lot hearing your story today...