
Picture of SCP-118.

Item #: SCP-118

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-118 is contained in a standard containment chamber at Sector-28. The room is outfitted with a unique containment system: a containment unit formed from an emission booth housing a small particle accelerator. In the event of an emergency—such as exposure to full sunlight—the containment chamber may be opened in order to process SCP-118. During this time, the room is to remain completely darkened by the use of a blackout shutters system.

SCP-118 is fed twice weekly via a feeding tube, which terminates in the mouth of SCP-118's container. A feeding tube filled with 5g of liquid is inserted into the mouth of SCP-118 once every 3 days.

When left unsupervised, SCP-118 plays with its enclosure several times daily; however, it exhibits no unusual behavior beyond this avoidance of behaviour we deem "suicidal".

Description: SCP-118 appears to be a female moth (≥75mm wingspan), originating from the region of ██████. Despite no outward evidence of injury, SCP-118 experiences a form of partial aging and death over time in the same manner as a human being that ages at approximately two years for every decade.

SCP-118 is fully cognizant of its situation. In addition, SCP-118 has observed its cellular structure and the relationships between them, noting how the cells' interactions produce new neurons with attendant chemical reactions. Similarly, SCP-118 claims knowledge of its own physical movements; however, it only exhibits "normal" behavior when left unsupervised by personnel.

SCP-118 is an anomalous hybrid organism that is composed of various human and insect tissues and organ systems. Aside from these unusual tissue types, SCP-118 exhibits human physical characteristics like an adult human male.

SCP-118 is capable of locomotion on land—though without any apparent hindrance to its ability to fly—and has been observed through observation by multiple personnel after flight to do so "at a speed consistent with aerodynamics". SCP-118's wingspan ranges from ≈1 m to 3 m, depending on its status —for instance, when exposed to sunlight during normal conditions, SCP-118's wingspan increases to a maximum of 2 m.

SCP-118's anomalous biology manifests most prominently when exposed to direct sunlight; this displays a dual effect: When not in direct contact with sunlight, SCP- 118 does not demonstrate any anomalous properties; however, exposure in such conditions causes SCP-118 to manifest additional traits:

The development of these additional traits was noted after 1 month (following prolonged exposure to sunlight). It is theorized that SCP- 118 developed these abilities as nonlinear improvements to existing traits after prolonged exposure to sunlight over time.

Addendum 118-1: SCP-118 was recovered in ██████, [REDACTED] on ██/██/██ from a home owned by ███████████. It was found with a note attached to its abdomen reading "For the little monster."