Picture of SCP-121.
Item #: SCP-121
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-121 is to be kept in a standard containment locker 1.5m x 2m x 1 cm. The object is made of stainless steel, with a weight of 10 kg. A small plexiglass cover is to be placed over the top part of the object, and to remain on at all times. SCP-121 is not to come into contact with any nonliving material, including human beings.
SCP-121 is good to use when the temperature drops below 22 °C (72 °F), or when the temperature rises above 40 °C (104 °F). When the latter occurs, a simple electric heater should be installed, and left running for at least 18 hours after the temperature falls again.
Description: SCP-121 is a stainless steel building with a height of 6.73m, and the base is 5m. The walls are free of openings, and have various square holes 3 cm in diameter. The base has a plexiglass cover over it, which has angles not matching any of the angles on the walls.
When temperature drops below 22 °C (72 °F), or when the temperature rises above 40 °C (104 °F), a miniature landscape appears on the wall of SCP-121. This landscape changes every week, enabling test subjects to monitor the effects. The landscape always has trees, mountains, houses, mountains with houses, etcetera. Pictures can be found at File 121-037-061-011-0001_V001_1.jpg to 121-037-061-011-0001_V001_15.jpg. The type of house is always a two-story house with balcony attached to second floor, and that balcony always has a person sitting on it.
SCP-121 was discovered by Agent ████████ in ████ following complaints regarding loud noises during local power outages for 50Kv transmission lines. During initial investigation agents noticed an anomalous building adjacent to power plant's substation, which was covered by barbed wire fence (see Incident Reports 021 and 022). Investigation into this building revealed that it was made of titanium oxide, not stainless steel as originally suspected. A small plexiglass cover was placed on top of the housing and this was taken to storage locker 1 for further testing.
Addendum: On █/██/████, a test was performed on SCP-121 to test whether the landscape would change even if the temperature was kept constant. Agent ████ had a thermometer placed outside the containment locker, and measured an average temperature of 30.2\xa0°C (86.4\xa0°F). On the exact same day, Agent ████████ went outside the building, and saw that the landscape changed to a mountain range with snow-covered peaks.
On █/██/████, Agent ████████ went outside the containment locker to take pictures of the landscape, and noticed a non-anomalous plexiglass cover over it. Upon inspection, the plexiglass cover was discovered to be a piece of mirror, and it was brought in for further analysis.
The top part of the object is made of stainless steel, with black paint covering most of its surface. The bottom part is made of titanium oxide with no reflective properties at all. The back side is constructed of titanium oxide with slight reflectiveness, but not enough to make any difference other than being slightly curved. The material is hard and cannot be scratched by anything other than sharp tools or tools designed particularly for it. Testing has shown that the top part can withstand temperatures up to 590\xa0°C (1,098\xa0°F), while the bottom part can only withstand temperatures up to 350\xa0°C (662\xa0°F). When both parts are put together, they have a combined weight of 450 kg.
The titanium oxide on the bottom part is very smooth and polished, with no visible seams or marks at all. The steel on top has some minor scratches and gouges from tools used in testing, but has no other physical marks at all.