Picture of SCP-131.
Item #: SCP-131
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-131 is to be contained within standard humanoid containment cells at Sector 13-█. SCP-131 is to be inspected every month for damage or other abnormalities, and shall be assigned perform a human exercise routine every week. Any individuals who discover SCP-131's nature are to be administered Class-A amnestics.
The Foundation has no current plans to develop any form of "Item Researcher" individual, but will make all necessary research available to anyone on the site who needs it.
Description: SCP-131 is a humanoid woman, roughly 1.80 meters tall, with a slim build and pointed ears. SCP-131 possesses no visible external signs of aging or illness. SCP-131 has never spoken to anyone, nor made any noticeable efforts to communicate.
SCP-131's anomalous properties manifest when an individual, usually children, reaches the age of thirteen in an area where SCP-131 has been present. The event occurs within seconds of entering the area, and lasts until the subject leaves it. SCP-131 takes on cognizant behavior when this effect is active; it will speak to the subject via English and attempt to convey a message. If this fails, SCP-131 will attempt to manually move the subject to another location where it has previously been present before using the entity's real name if said by the subject.
From this point on, SCP-131's ability to move its physical form away from any given area becomes limited by time and distance. The nature of this effect is not observed outside of testing. It is currently unknown how far SCP-131 can move its physical form.
SCP-131's abilities do not fail upon leaving a given area or upon ceasing activity within it, but rather only cease activity when all subjects associated with it have left it for any reason.
Addendum 131-1:
SCP-131 was discovered in a field near ██████, England on 01/11/1985. The area where SCP-131 was found is known to be an anomalous hotspot for wind disturbances, and had not been entered by any Foundation personnel prior to the observation of SCP-131's effects. This has resulted in its initial containment as an object to be contained rather than a previously unknown anomaly, with the reasons for investigation into its nature determined by Agent █████.