
Picture of SCP-135.

Item #: SCP-135

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-135 is to be kept in a standard Safe item locker at Site ██, currently in the testing wing. Testing of SCP-135 is currently prohibited.

Description: SCP-135 is a stairway climber with the ability to climb up any surface, albeit slowly. When activated, the rate of speed at which SCP-135 climbs will increase exponentially, up to a maximum rate of 15 mps. It has been found that SCP-135's climbing rate can be affected by varying factors, and can change rapidly based on time and location.

The majority of times SCP-135 is used for rescue purposes, it does not seem to affect the climbing speed of SCP-135. Only two instances have been documented that resulted in a lower climbing rate than the one programmed into the object.

Instances where SCP-135 has been utilized for rescue purposes range from ██ civilians to ██████████ agents.

To date, only four civilians have died while utilizing SCP-135: three in [DATA EXPUNGED], and one in [REDACTED]. Of the six known agents who perished while utilizing SCP-135 (five while attempting entry into a breach site, and one during an Overwatch site clearance), all were killed by being caught in high fall hazards (including [DATA EXPUNGED]).

Notably, none of those who died had anomalous traits or abilities that would cause them to have a higher death toll than the regular members of their team.

Addendum 1: Information on the use of SCP-135 for rescue purposes was obtained from the records at Site ██.


Subject: [REDACTED]

Location: Breach Site ██

Cause of Death: Killed during entry into breach site, when reaching the second floor via SCP-135.

Notes: During entry, subject noticed a small group of armed men moving towards the room they were breaching. Subject alerted her team to investigate, but they were already under attack. After being hit several times by gunfire and thrown against the brick wall, subject passed out.

Upon waking up, subject attempted to signal her team to stop shooting, but was unable to due to the gunfire and cover fire that killed several personnel before they could respond.

Unable to signal her team (and knowing that they were not going to stop shooting), subject attempted to climb back down the staircase with SCP-135. At this time, she sounded a distress call for evacuation and assistance. The distress call was picked up by a nearby Overwatch agents\' radio, which notified their base command of the situation. As soon as command was informed of the situation, it was determined that a rescue mission should be sent to assist subject. Due to the nature of the breach and the danger involved, no other rescue mission would be sent until they were 100% sure that micro-organisms had not contaminated Site ██\'s air supply.

When rescue arrived, subject was found in a pool of blood in what appeared to be a large puddle of blood, with extensive cuts and scrapes on her arms and legs. The rescue team reported the following: "The girl is still alive, but barely."

After more attempts to save her failed, the rescue team left without removing SCP-135 from its position. Of note was a note attached to SCP-135\'s handle that read "Don\'t take me down."