
Picture of SCP-142.

Item #: SCP-142

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-142 is contained in a standard containment chamber with four (4) meters of concrete flooring and two (2) meters of reinforced steel grid for testing purposes. Any form of “tick” or other parasitic organism is to be removed from the subject's body before initial testing, to prevent further detriment. Should SCP-142 expire due to any means, it is to be cremated along with any remaining traces of the specimen.

Any reports of SCP-142, carried by e-mail or other electronic media, are to be investigated immediately; an instance of SCP-142 has been reported in all 50 states, as well as Japan and France.

Description: SCP-142 is a human female, approximately ███ years of age at time of death. SCP-142, who was identified as “Missy Reynolds” by a police officer, died while attempting to remove a 200 cm long parasitic organism from her body.

Addendum: SCP-142 expired with the parasitic organism still attached to her left hand by a single barb. The organism remains unharmed, despite its size and the fact that it is the only part of the specimen which is not carbonized.