Picture of SCP-143.
Item #: SCP-143
Object Class: Newcomer
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-143 is currently contained at Site-11, and is subject to a bi-weekly blood donation. In addition, a single Geiger counter is to be placed in the containment chamber during each cycle of renovation.
Description: SCP-143 is a mass currently composed of approximately two (2) gallons of human blood, and is in the form of a roughly 12 ft long, six (6) foot tall, and three (3) foot wide humanoid figure. The SCP-143's main body is composed of mostly red blood cells, with a lighter yellow complexion on the head, hands, and feet. SCP-143 shows no signs of aging other than the occasional discoloration of blood due to exposure to air.
SCP-143 appears almost entirely biologically intact with the exception of its spine, which has been surgically removed, and internal organs have been replaced with various mechanical components.
SCP-143's internal mechanisms are as follows:
Addendum: SCP-143 was discovered in a warehouse in ██████, Colorado. Witnesses reported hearing a loud thumping sound from inside the building before seeing SCP-143 walk out of the building carrying an unidentified device. Two (2) agents were deployed to capture SCP-143. During the ensuing firefight, SCP-143's secondary jaw opened, revealing a set of razor sharp fangs.