Picture of SCP-144.
Item #: SCP-144
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-144's cage has been constructed in a location to mitigate hazards that may arise from its appearance. Two level-2 security personnel are to be present at all times when SCP-144 is contained, as well as a standard firearms retraining program.
Description: SCP-144 is a female Caucasian human. SCP-144 appears to be roughly 5 ft 6 in (1.63m) tall, and weighs 121 lbs (55 kg). SCP-144 possesses a gray T-shirt with bloodstains on the left side, a pair of white exercise pants, black sweatpants, and a pair of brown shoes. SCP-144's left arm has been severed at the elbow; it was reattached by a surgical procedure using titanium pins and plates. SCP-144 has previously been identified as Susan ██████, then deceased (see Interview Log 144-001 for details).
SCP-144 appears to have no functional eyes or ears. Instead, SCP-144 will rely on its ability to sense electromagnetic radiation to detect and track targets. Targeting appears to be instantaneous: when unseen targets are detected, the line of site between the subject and these targets will shift along an invisible line which extends from the subject's feet up through their head. This effect is documented by security personnel in audio records with the correct software used to view them.
If another entity enters this line of site while it is being guarded by SCP-144, it will use its severed arm to launch itself at them. As long as the two bodies remain in this location, SCP-144 will repeatedly stab the other entity before dragging them into the air and will continue to do so until they are outside of its line of site once again. The injuries sustained by victims range from minor impalement wounds to several broken bones and lacerations, with multiple instances of dismemberment occurring in some cases (see Addendum 144).
SCP-144 was recovered after local authorities were contacted regarding reports that a "woman in red" had killed at least five people and appeared in several locations throughout [REDACTED]. The remains of victims were found in a woodland area near where the patrol vehicle located SCP-144 was lost.
Foundation personnel embedded within local law enforcement discovered details which led them to suspect that SCP-144 may not have been alone during attacks. After tracking down the owner of a broken telephone answering machine, who had reported hearing screams from her home following each instance of SCP-144 attacking her neighbors, all evidence pertaining to SCP-144 was quickly discovered following termination of all known witnesses.
Addendum 144-A: When asked about the attack victims, SCP-144 claims to have no recollection of them.