
Picture of SCP-150.

Item #: SCP-150

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: A cell with inter-locking chains and padlocks has been constructed in Site-17 as a more permanent containment device for SCP-150. A soundproof chamber containing a single cell in Site-17 has been constructed, and is to be used for tests on two (2) D-Class personnel per test period.

No D-Class personnel are to possess knowledge of the location of SCP-150 or its contents.

When carrying out tests, the chamber must be locked from the outside by at least four guards specially trained in this task. Guards may enter and exit the chamber only when directed by Dr. Greenwood or one of his assistants, who will direct guards' actions from within the testing area. Once every six hours, all personnel present must undergo a Class A amnestic before entering or leaving the chamber.

All personnel working on SCP-150 must follow a strict protocol for handling, testing, and disposing of the items in question, followed in part by instructions on how to keep themselves safe until further notice. Any security violations resulting in the loss of containment are to be reported immediately to Dr. Greenwood.

Description: SCP-150 is a sealed box containing three (3) items, designated SCP-150-1, -2, and -3. SCP-150 was located in the attic of an abandoned house in ████████, ██████, with a note on the front door reading "Finding the Answer". The note was written in an unknown handwriting, and has not been identified. The boxes were locked by two padlocks and two chains; one lock had been broken, while the other was damaged but intact.

SCP-150 is currently contained in a cell constructed in Site-17's Secure Containment Locker facility. The containment chamber itself measures 1m × 1m × 1m, and is equipped with six cells specially designed for use with the items contained by SCP-150. In the event of loss of all six D-Class personnel involved in testing them, additional cells will be constructed for such purposes. Each cell is equipped with a mattress and pillows made to resemble original beds; this form of accommodation is necessary due to the unpredictable nature of SCP-150's effects.

The objects contained by SCP-150 are:

When tested on two (2) D-Class personnel simultaneously, these items do not behave as they do when tested individually. When placed within an interior chamber (a room or home), SCP-150 can cause that room to vanish completely via [DATA EXPUNGED]. However, if the same room or environment is used again within three hours, it will revert to its original state. Thus far, no rooms have ever reappeared on their own accord after being rendered invisible to the outside world.

SCP-150 has proven impossible to destroy once it has been brought into contact with it; anything destroyed from within Foundation custody will always be returned to its original state whenever it can be rediscovered. Over time, small traces of the object have begun to manifest even from modern sources such as transistors; this does not affect materials created before at least 1955.

Test Log:

Test 1: On 24/10/1969, D-52954 and D-73834 were given trials involving both an interactive test chamber and traditional amnestic treatment before being subjected to experimentation on SCP-150 alone. A quality control subject who had never previously undertaken any experiments involving SCP-150 was instructed to set up a very simple test chamber made of ordinary concrete and wood with no room behind it aside from a kitchen area that could be entered through a door at its side. Entry into the kitchen was also blocked off by a wooden wall under which there was another door leading out to the bedroom portion of the test chamber. The quality control subject was then directed onto a series of questions regarding how much time had passed since entry into their own living quarters by other staff members; these questions asked if he could remember where he lived or if he knew anyone else who lived there. The subject correctly answered all questions correctly until entering their bedroom; here he incorrectly mentioned another individual living there before correctly answering all questions about his own personal life thereafter.

At this point D-52954 awoke from her drowse and left her cell for unknown reasons; she then reentered it immediately afterward without having any recollection of what happened beforehand. This same process repeated itself time after time after outcome similar to her original one until 9 months 27 days 16 hours had passed; only then did her memory return to normal upon leaving her bedroom while answering yes to whether or not she knew anyone living there at the present time (she did). Her responses changed quite drastically over time as well; she began neglecting late evening medications leaving her temporarily bedridden before becoming reemployed shortly thereafter and returning to work as usual despite declaring herself missing for several hours every night afterwards.

Addendum: D-52954 is no longer permitted to take part in any experiments involving SCP-150.

Test 2: On 16/11/1969, D-11252 and D-39262 were given trials involving both an interactive test chamber and traditional amnestic treatment before being subjected to experimentation on SCP-150 alone. A quality control subject who had never previously undertaken any experiments involving SCP-150 was instructed to set up a very simple test chamber made of ordinary concrete and wood with no room behind it aside from a kitchen area that could be entered through a door at its side. Entry into the kitchen was also blocked off by a wooden wall under which there was another door leading out to the bedroom portion of the test chamber. The quality control subject was then directed onto a series of questions regarding how much time had passed since entry into their own living quarters by other staff members; these questions asked if he could remember where he lived or if he knew anyone else who lived there. The subject correctly answered all questions correctly until entering their bedroom; here he incorrectly mentioned another individual living there before correctly answering all questions about his own personal life thereafter.

At this point D-11252 awoke from her drowse and left her cell for unknown reasons; she then reentered it immediately afterward without having any recollection of what happened beforehand. This same process repeated itself time after time after outcome similar to her original one until 1 week 2 days 17 hours had passed; only then did her memory return to normal upon leaving her bedroom while answering yes to whether or not she knew anyone living there at the present time (she did). Her responses changed quite drastically over time as well; she began neglecting late evening medications leaving her temporarily bedridden before becoming reemployed shortly thereafter and returning to work as usual despite declaring herself missing for several hours every night afterwards.