
Picture of SCP-151.

Item #: SCP-151

Object Class: Neutralized

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-151 instances are kept in secured, soundproofed tanks measuring approximately 44 m (144 ft) length and 21 m (70 ft) width. Three to five instances are kept per tank. One tank is located in Site-19, two in Area-12, and one in Sector-13. Multiple tanks on a single site are arranged to avoid a single point of failure.

Instances have been observed to carry with them spare or replacement parts for their traps, but only those which cannot be replaced by the club members themselves. Should a non-anomalous portion of the articles be damaged or destroyed, the club will simply find another member with the same part and continue production.

Individuals involved in the club are to be assigned high security financial penalties for all criminal offenses they commit while participating in SCP-151.

Description: SCP-151 is an anomalous criminal organization known as "The Rhino Hunters". It is believed to be a loose confederation of members who hunt and trap rhinos for their horns. Foundation agents have attempted to infiltrate the group, but members have consistently identified them as non-anomalous individuals.

Their methodologies consist of building crudely constructed wooden traps, with barbets and hooks for the rhinos. These traps have been observed to include no discernable means of power or communication, instead relying on simple human strength to hold down their targets. Instances use the horns of rhinos as handles or levers to move or lift objects.

Any human attempting to move a rhino from the club's charge into another location is either killed or severely injured while being moved. The club itself takes no part in this process, instead gathering trophies and parts from the carcasses of the deceased rhinos. Should an instance be killed in action, its corpse is stripped and put into storage until it can be brought back to life by a member of the club.

Club members are extremely reluctant to discuss anything directly connected with SCP-151, and will instead divert attention away from themselves and towards possible methods of neutralizing or destroying the organization.

Due to the nature of SCP-151, members will not develop any sort of plan based on skill sets outside those required for trap construction and lifting operations. As such, there are currently no plans in place for capturing or subduing instances during containment breaches - only for preventing one from occurring, or for terminating all instances at once through a single successful capture or termination.

A day before Incident 151-A occurred, representatives from Site-19, Area-12 and Sector-13 staff arrived within each other's bounds to partake in a "relay race" involving SCP-151 traps set up across three sites. The internal security forces (SIC) of each site were notified that any personnel seen tampering with these traps would be punished immediately; this act was successful in preventing any reports of abnormalities appearing on their radarscopes during the race.

Addendum 151-1: SCP-151-1 is the first known attempt to capture a member of the organization and remove its horns. The attempt was based on the belief that such horns constituted an object of great value within the club, and thus could be used to convince members of the club\'s danger and cause them to defect.

On 03/08/19██, a team of operatives from Site-19 located and neutralized an instance of SCP-151. The containment procedure was designed with the aid of a single agent familiar with the club. The agent was given two weeks to communicate with the remaining instances of SCP-151 and gather enough information for the capture to succeed.

The agent was provided with a simple radio capable of transmitting only at audio frequencies, and a basic microphone. The agent was instructed to set up in a secluded area and broadcast a simple message every five minutes until all instances heard it.

The following is a transcript of the message broadcasted every five minutes by Agent ██████: "Hello? Can anyone hear me? I\'m here from Site-19… I\'ve got some questions about your club… You know who I am, right? It\'s okay if you don\'t… We\'re trying to find out how to stop you guys…"

Instances were reported to have been responding in silence for days afterwards. No activity was detected on their radarscopes prior to Incident 151-A.