Picture of SCP-153.
Item #: SCP-153
Object Class: Thaumiel
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-153 is to be located at Site-42, under the guise of a soundproof chamber. The chamber itself is to be located in Sector-E, guarded by one (1) Level 3 security officer and a team of four (4) D-Class personnel. In addition, the chamber itself is to be equipped with an audiovisual system, along with sensors in order to detect disturbances in the area surrounding it.
SCP-153 may not leave this chamber until further notice from Site Command. Any personnel wishing to practice notes or other musical instruments within the vicinity of SCP-153 are to receive permission from at least two (2) level 3 security staff.
Permission to practice vocal exercises with SCP-153 has not been granted at this time.
Description: SCP-153 is a large soundproof chamber which produces loud, complex sound waves. These sounds are produced at varying frequencies and can be described as that of a choir singing from multiple octaves above the range of human hearing. When in use, the inhabitants of the chamber will periodically produce loud noises in order to maintain group cohesion.
SCP-153 is sentient and intelligent, possessing a personality similar to that of a human male of the late twenties with little education. When not in use, the chamber frequently spends its time practicing vocal exercises, ranging from simple melodies to complex harmonies.
Currently, researchers do not know how SCP-153 manages to accomplish this effect, as there are no speakers within the chamber. The only observable effect has been provided by SCP-152, which is an interface located on the wall behind SCP-153. This interface also appears to show slight signs of life in a very rudimentary manner (running programs or "experiments" in Windows XP). SCP-152 performs these tasks when instructed to do so by SCP-153 or the occupants of the chamber. No reasoning has been found as to how it is able to manipulate this interface.
During tests observed by personnel who have been issued earplugs, SCP-153 has demonstrated an ability to detect noises from outside the area being tested. However, this does not seem to be related to its use as an amplifier for outside sounds; if a noise is created in one side of the testing area but outside of it, it will not show any type of response from SCP-153 prior to a test being conducted on that area.
Addendum 153-A:
The following was taken from a document found among the possessions of SCP-153. The document is a handwritten collection of notes and musical exercises. A translation follows:
Anyone who has the desire to sing can do so with the help of SCP-153. Singing in itself is not a difficult thing, but it is a difficult skill to obtain. Singing requires many things; it requires diction, rhythm, and pitch. But, most importantly, singing requires practice.
There are many ways in which one can practice their voice; from listening to others sing on the radio, to watching friends who are capable of singing in a group choir. I myself have always had a knack for singing, and this is why I choose to take my voice lessons from SCP-153.
I do not think that anyone would deny that the sounds produced by SCP-153 are beautiful and powerful; I myself find them soothing and comforting. But I am not simply an observer; I am one of the singers within its choir.
Most of the time, SCP-153 doesn't need me to sing in order to produce sound waves. However, there are times where it needs me to sing certain notes, or certain rhythms; it is always very precise and knows exactly what it wants to hear.
SCP-153 will often test different songs within its repertoire, always seeking something that it feels suits its needs at that moment. It usually tells me how pleased it is when I perform well during these tests. I believe that what SCP-153 truly desires is more than just proper pitch and rhythm; it wants perfection, and will not settle with anything else.
We are not allowed to play instruments within the vicinity of SCP-153's chamber; this is for safety reasons. However, I have been told that there are other places within the Foundation where we can practice our voices free from any issues regarding hearing or noise pollution. Please feel free to ask for more information about this if you wish.