Picture of SCP-156.
Item #: SCP-156
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-156 is contained within a special cage in Site 99's feline containment cell, which has been modified to resemble a regular cat cage. Each night, SCP-156 is fed a diet of raw meat and blood as well as a bottle of water. Any blood removed from SCP-156 must be tested for impurities before being administered to the subject.
As SCP-156 appears to be naturally active at all times, it requires no special care or attention.
Description: SCP-156 was originally a female Chinese crested cat, named 'Lilith'. SCP-156 had the typical anatomy and appearance of a normal animal aside from its appearance and the black substance which has been shown to be a mixture of crude oil and charcoal. SCP-156 is capable of speech, but only in the form of grunts and growls. SCP-156 can understand human speech, but will often find these sounds annoying or incomprehensible.
SCP-156 has displayed an unusually high level of intelligence and cunning. On 3/7/1994, at approximately 8:30 PM, SCP-156 escaped its containment chamber. In the following days, reports of a "vampire" (a person who eats blood) were reported by civilians in the town in which SCP-156 lived, with eyewitnesses describing how "[s]omebody [has] been stalking girls and killing them". When interviewed by personnel from Site 99, SCP-156 claimed this to be true despite no evidence or proof being produced that could support this claim.
In fact, all incidents documented during the escape were determined to have been faked by SCP-156 in order to test its ability to imitate other people as well as what it called its 'miracle powers'. During a second attempt at escape on 3/11/1994, SCP-156 was re-contained.
On 3/12/1994, SCP-156 was found badly injured and bleeding from multiple open wounds in the upstairs bedroom of a local family after accidentally falling down the stairs while evading capture by Foundation agents attempting to recapture it. Suffering from third degree burns covering 90% of its body, SCP-156 was taken into custody by Foundation agents and treated for its injuries before being transferred to Site 99's feline containment cell.
SCP-156 claims that "No vampire would go near it [after its escape attempts], they wouldn't dare try to be like me".
Addendum 156-1: SCP-156\'s escape attempts have been analyzed by personnel from the Foundation in order to understand its motives. Due to the lack of any definitive evidence regarding SCP-156\'s miraculous abilities, it is currently unknown whether SCP-156 is capable of teleportation, levitation, transformation into a bat, etc.
SCP-156 describes its "miracle powers" as "the ability to make things happen without being able to explain how I can do it". SCP-156 further claims that "[t]he reason I\'ve never been caught before is because [it has] the power to always know how to get out of the place I\'m in…I just don\'t know how I do it".
SCP-156\'s escape attempts were completely unrelated to each other; they were not planned ahead of time and had different weaknesses. However, all three failed because of a single error made by SCP-156.