
Picture of SCP-168.

Item #: SCP-168

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: A containment unit has been constructed around the sealed area in which SCP-168 currently inhabits. This includes a ten meter cordoned off perimeter and a ten meter depth gauge on the beach. The perimeter is to be patrolled by guards armed with tranquilizer guns, who are to make no attempt to enter the interior of the containment area without permission from a member of staff.

Surveillance equipment is to monitor SCP-168 at all times for any unusual activity. No personnel are to enter the covered area without prior approval from a member of staff, as exposure to its rays may cause permanent damage to human tissue. In the event that SCP-168 attempts to breach containment, it is to be neutralized using one (1) .38 caliber round per square meter of affected surface area.

Any unfound creatures within SCP-168's radius are to be treated as hostile and destroyed on sight. No personnel are permitted to enter an area within 300 meters of SCP-168, due their proximity to its effects.

Description: SCP-168 is a large, oval-shaped creature with a forked tail and no visible eyes. It is estimated to be roughly the size of two (2) elephants, with dimensions comparable to those of an elephant shark. SCP-168 is covered in thin, pale blue scales, which seem to have some sort of special properties that allow it to become undetectable after being absorbed into its body; as such, no surveillance equipment has been able to confirm its existence. DNA analyses of SCP-168 reveal that it appears to be composed entirely of sea life.

SCP-168's anomalous properties manifest when on either side of its body appear two (2) large holes, approximately 30 cm in diameter each. These wounds are closed immediately by SCP-168, appearing to be made by itself or another creature (A wide variety of theories have been proposed regarding this ability). Despite having no blood or other biological tissue, SCP-168 can recover from these wounds quickly enough where they cannot be observed externally. The area around SCP-168 is affected by the properties of these wounds: all nonliving matter will be dissolved and absorbed by SCP-168 through the holes on its body, regardless of size or composition; thus, the only way to prevent an area from being affected is to physically destroy the item before it becomes affected. Large scale testing involving hundreds of items has confirmed that the area affected does not decrease - increasing in size with each item destroyed.

SCP-168 possesses the ability to teleport at speeds up to 300 km/h through water and land whenever within 500 meters of a waterspout capable of drawing water into the atmosphere. It uses this ability for no apparent reason, but has demonstrated an ability to teleport out of it at any time if it feels threatened.

Addendum 168-1: As of ██/██/████, DNA analysis has confirmed that SCP-168 is not composed entirely of sea life as previously thought. Analysis of SCP-168's DNA reveals that it contains traces of DNA from a variety of other creatures, including insects, mammals and several types of fish. This DNA appears to be integrated into the creature, rather than being carried in on its own.