Picture of SCP-170.
Item #: SCP-170
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-170 is to be kept in a standard containment cell measuring 10m x 10m, furnished with one (1) bed and one (1) table. The room is to be fitted with a sliding door that opens inward, thereby preventing escape. A camera has been installed and should be reviewed weekly for signs of SCP-170 activity. Should signs of SCP-170 activity become discernible, Procedure Xylotrope-Seville is to be carried out immediately.
In the event that Procedure Xylotrope-Seville fails, Mobile Task Force Epsilon-7 ("The Green Team") is to be deployed. MTF Epsilon-7 are required to wear light body armor and helmets fitted with night vision goggles, as they may become subject to attack by SCP-170. In the unlikely event that an MTF member feels he/she/it is being attacked by SCP-170 or that SCP-170 is agitated and preparing to attack, they are to terminate said threat via any means possible.
A list of personnel infected by SCP-170 has been retained in Document 170K; all personnel turned into "blue glass" are not permitted to view this document unless for the purposes of continuing the research into SCP-170.
Description: SCP-170 is a species of carnivorous arthropod native to the North American continent, present in all 50 states or territories. SCP-170 is identified as belonging to the genus Tabanus and the species T. pennsylvanicus. SCP-170 are social creatures, preferring to live in small herds of between two (2) to six (6) individuals. They do not migrate from their natural habitat, but they have been known to travel as far as ██km away from their colony(s).
SCP-170's primary means of hunting is by "poking" its proboscis into one of several gill structures on its back and using them effectively like a fish's mouth lures towards prey. SCP-170 have been observed to attack warm-blooded animals, including humans; however, they will eat almost anything they come across, including plants and non-human organisms.
In order to reproduce and propagate themselves, SCP-170 will construct nest cylinders out of nodules and glass fragments that they obtain by ingesting such materials (see Addendum 170C). Nodules and glass shards may be excreted with the same consistency as some insects or crustaceans.
SCP-170 show cannibalistic tendencies, feeding on their own members when food becomes scarce or when an individual dies, which is usually due to failure to hunt for prey or failure in escaping from hunters.
SCP-170 were first discovered in 1992 by Dr. ████████ following reports of numerous missing persons and livestock carcasses turning up in rural areas throughout the state of New York. By 1995, information provided by the Foundation had effectively wiped out this population through mass poisoning and population control measures.
SCP-170 Classified: 17/06/09
Addendum 170C: SCP-170 Habitat
SCP-170 prefer to hunt in forests and wooded areas, but it has been noted that they have been seen in urban areas with sufficient hiding places (e.g. abandoned houses). They are also known to occasionally wander around buildings or any other structures.
SCP-170 are known to attack at night, even when there is a full moon present.