Picture of SCP-176.
Item #: SCP-176
Object Class: Safe-Site
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-176 is to be monitored and guarded by on-site security personnel. No personnel are permitted to enter SCP-176 without approval of Site-██ command authority.
Description: SCP-176 is a containment chamber comprised of five separate rooms. Each room contains a chair, a desk, and a chalkboard with a message scrawled on it in black ink. The messages vary from room to room since each is written by an individual.
The contents of the messages range from threats of violence towards the personnel inside SCP-176 to pleas for help. When no more subjects are available for testing, the message on SCP-176 will change to reflect subject’s current mood and feeling about the experience.
When subjects enter SCP-176, they will find their designated classroom within the facility. However, all equipment used inside SCP-176 will be in disarray, as if they had not been used even once before.
SCP-176 was discovered when several staff members reported experiencing similar phenomena while working late at night at Site-██. Investigation revealed that SCP-176 was operational and not a result of psychological stress on the part of Site-██ personnel.
Addendum 176-1: On ██/██/████, Dr. ██████████ and Dr. ████████████ were the only two personnel present at Site-██. They were sitting in the cafeteria having coffee and discussing the current events of the Foundation when they suddenly found themselves in SCP-176.
After examining the room they were in and finding it completely empty, they noticed what appeared to be a chalkboard with a message written on it. The message read, “Have you ever been mad at someone you love? I was.”
Dr. ████████ then proceeded to explain to Dr. ██████████ the events that led him to becoming the subject of SCP-176. Dr. ██████████ became extremely emotional after hearing this story and was wiped out for several hours before being able to return to his office.