
Picture of SCP-177.

Item #: SCP-177

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Foundation agents should monitor public records for any legal restrictions on access to SCP-177. At the end of each month, it is to be fitted with a GPS tracker and recorded location data checked against SCP-067.

Description: SCP-177 is the site of a pair of abandoned uranium mines located in the northern part of the ████████ Mountains. The terrain is unusually steep, and numerous ropes and ladders have been installed to facilitate access.

The mines themselves are barren, except for the occasional boulder or low-hanging rock ledge which are covered in graffiti and strange symbols. A large underground tunnel entrance has been constructed at the bottom of one mine. The entrance has been sealed off with concrete and rockcrete, but no attempt to open it has succeeded.

Within SCP-177 are a series of small, rocky caves, arranged in a fairly consistent pattern. It is believed that these caves were originally intended as living quarters for some sort of mine workers and their families during the later years of uranium mining operations. Analysis of several random pieces of furniture found within shows traces of wallpaper in various hues, as well as patches of carpeting where the floor was not covered in rubble and debris.

SCP-177 was discovered after reports from multiple hikers led Foundation agents to investigate the area. The difficult access made it impractical to evacuate civilians until late, but documentation on the tunnels' existence was all that was needed to enact an Anomalous Item Containment Procedure.

Incident 177-I: On ██/██/████, four volunteers were put into contact with SCP-177 due to them having an active interest in old mines. Three were transported to SCP-177 by helicopter while two were allowed to continue hiking towards their destination by themselves. An eventual rescue mission was launched once those two had lost their way and made contact with other hikers who reported hearing screaming coming from their direction. During this patrol they heard sounds similar to gunshots coming from within SCP-177, prompting an evacuation from all personnel within a one kilometer radius. No anomalous entities were encountered on this trip through SCP-177. Personnel involved reported feeling strongly uncomfortable about entering any part of SCP-177 thereafter.

Addendum 177-1: Documents recovered from one of the abandoned mining families indicate that SCP-177 was originally left alone for many years due to the remote location and the fears of others being able to access it.

After a number of years, however, a few miners living in nearby towns began to express interest in the area. One day a family was found dead in their home, having apparently committed suicide. An investigation by local authorities found multiple bullet holes in their bodies and a suicide note which read "This is where the devil lives. We can\'t escape him." The local police thought the miner\'s account of his discovery to be ridiculous, until they heard similar stories from other residents.

A few days later, another family was found dead in their home as well. The father had been shot multiple times as he attempted to hold his children back with his body. A note was found on his body that referred to SCP-177 as "The Last Great Wilderness", and stated that the family had "begun a new life of adventure and exploration".

The last known incident of a death at SCP-177 occurred several years later. A local newspaper reported the death of two men who were discovered inside one of the caves within SCP-177, having apparently died of starvation. The bodies were found with a note on each of them that stated "I\'m sorry."