Picture of SCP-178.
Item #: SCP-178
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-178 is to be contained in a high security storage unit at Site ██. Containment is to include both a steel enclosure and hand-holding by two (2) Level 3 Agents at all times. Any breach of containment is to be treated as a potential biological contagion.
Description: SCP-178 is a large male orange tabby with the appearance of a storm cloud. SCP-178 moves and behaves in a manner resembling a "manic depression." SCP-178 dislikes being physically restrained and will attempt to undo any restraints placed on it. When contained, SCP-178 appears to be very content and sometimes wanders away from containment.
Any contact with SCP-178 causes an overpowering feeling of depression, despair, isolation and loneliness. Subjects report feeling as if they have been forgotten by and abandoned by others. This effect is proportional to the amount of time spent in physical contact with SCP-178.
When subjects are not influenced by the memories of those contained within SCP-178, they will focus on themselves and their hardships. However, when exposed to the memories of those who have previously entered SCP-178 (an effect dubbed "amnesia"), all subjects report a sudden and complete remission of self-pity. They will then become highly loyal and protective of those they had been affected by while inside SCP-178.
Subjects within SCP-178 will defend said persons until their deaths or until all known individuals are contained within the object. Another effect, dubbed "grief engendered rage", has been observed when a subject is exposed to memories of persons who have died while inside or outside of SCP-178.
Addendum SCP-178.1: SCP-178 was recovered from the home of ██████ ██████████ in █████, TN, on 03/18/19██. Mrs. ██████████ was found dead of a massive heart attack caused by an unknown cause. SCP-178 was found inside the deceased's chest cavity, with many of its ribs snapped during containment.