
Picture of SCP-182.

Item #: SCP-182

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-182 is to be kept in a standard containment locker at Site-77. Any personnel coming into contact with SCP-182 are to be dosed with Class-A amnestics, followed by Prozac and cognitive behavioral therapy.

Description: SCP-182 appears to be a glass bottle containing 1.5 liters/8.25 fl.oz of a clear, odorless liquid. When an individual opens SCP-182 they will perceive it as "rose water", and all analytical equipment will match it. SCP-182's anomalous properties do not manifest when the bottle is opened, or when the liquid is consumed by humans.

SCP-182 also has several anomalous qualities when reentered into a living animal. These effects manifest in varying degrees, but the most common result is that all live tissue in the body of the recipient will degrade, until their corpses are left with only bone and cartilage. This process seems to be ongoing, as if any damaged tissue is replaced later on, it will lose the properties normally associated with live tissue and behave more similarly to the deceased portion of the body.

When an individual drinks from SCP-182 they will perceive it as "rose water", and all analytical equipment will match it. The effect does not seem to be as severe for animals, though there have been no recorded cases of cell replacement for plants or other non-animals tested on so far. Additionally, it is theorized that plants may be able to draw nutrition from the drink instead of needing to replace damaged cells.

Addendum: Testing Log

Test 1: D-5181 is given one (1) liter/4.4 fl.oz of SCP-182 to drink. D-5181 is then administered Class-A amnestics, followed by Prozac and cognitive behavioral therapy. Both D-5181's memories of the event and his physical body were verified to be altered by Foundation personnel.

Result: D-5181 was found deceased in his cell, with no remaining bone or cartilage in his body. Death was attributed to liver failure.

Test 2: D-5181 was given a liter/4.4 fl.oz of SCP-182 to drink, identical to test 1. This time however, he was administered a mild sedative with the Class-A amnestics, and then a large dose of adrenaline via IV administration.

Result: D-5181 expired shortly after drinking the remainder of the liquid. Autopsy showed severe liver damage, as well as irreparable lung and kidney damage.

Test 3: D-5181 was given a liter/4.4 fl.oz of SCP-182 to drink, identical to test 1 and 2. This time however, he was administered a large dose of serotonin via IV administration.

Result: D-5181 expired shortly after drinking the remainder of the liquid. Autopsy showed severe brain damage, along with organ failure and complete cell death in all tissues except for skin and muscle.

Test 4: D-5181 was given a liter/4.4 fl.oz of SCP-182 to drink, identical to test 2. This time however, he was administered a large dose of dopamine via IV administration.