
Picture of SCP-184.

Item #: SCP-184

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-184 is buried at a depth of 150 m in the middle of a 3.2 km² area on the southern tip of Corn Island. The object has been surrounded by a standard security perimeter of barbed wire, concrete blocks, and razor wire.

All communications with the object are to be routed through one of three voice-activated terminals situated in Site-6. Any personnel who arrive near SCP-184, or who enter this perimeter without authorization, will be met with an automated, hostile response.

Description: SCP-184 is a cube of unknown composition, measuring 40 cm on each side. All surfaces are reflective and feature small, round indentations extending along them. The object is composed of various metals, all of which exhibit properties similar to lead. These metals were not found in the ground near SCP-184.

Upon approaching the object at a speed slower than that at which it moves (i.e., walking or driving), subjects will find themselves unable to move further without making an active effort to do so. In any other position, subjects will appear to be standing motionless within SCP-184's borders.

Subjects who fail to move out of SCP-184's range will begin conversing with one another, using a language they cannot understand but can identify as Latin-derived. Should they attempt to enter an area that contains a living subject of human intelligence (SCP-239), the subject(s) will become hostile and begin attacking them, occasionally engaging in conversation with the individual(s) present.

Any attempts to view SCP-184 from outside its perimeter are blocked by both muffled sounds and a combination of red light emitted by SCP-184 and periodic flashes at unseen points within the perimeter (see Test Log).

Should any Foundation personnel accidentally come within visual range of SCP-184 when it is animate (i.e., lit up), they will experience severe head pain, nausea, and localized blindness until they leave its radius.

Addendum 1: Since the recovery of SCP-184, no attempts to document its anomalous properties have been successful. Observers report seeing a different object, a large, humanoid figure with a head resembling that of a bat, in place of SCP-184. In addition, the entity has been observed to communicate with personnel within the perimeter by means of written Latin text. Speculation is ongoing as to whether either object is related to SCP-184 or merely an unrelated phenomenon.