
Picture of SCP-195.

Item #: SCP-195

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-195 is to be kept at the lowest level of Area-28, surrounded by an electrified fence of twelve (12) meters in radius. Each perimeter of the room is to have sealed metal doors with pressure sensor alarms and electrified bars across them. These doors will only be opened by testing personnel who are at least 3 meters away from the door they enter, who will remain inside the room until all other personnel have left.

During containment, no firearms are allowed within Area-28, with exceptions for security personnel. All armed personnel entering to contain SCP-195 must wear a uniform that clearly identifies them as part of the Foundation, and carry a firearm, visible or concealed. No guards are to be assigned to watch SCP-195. Guards are only armed for deterrence and NOT for protection against any hostile actions or entities on their side of the barrier if an attack does occur.

Any attempt to escape from Area-28 must be reported immediately to Dr. ██████ (in her off hours), who will patrol the area and deal with the threat accordingly. Any violation of this order should be treated as a Level 3 security breach and subject to suppression measures, up one step higher than normal in severity per point of deviation from standard procedure.

Description: SCP-195 is a two-story brick house, located in [REDACTED], Queensland, Australia (see map of site). SCP-195 currently contains an estimated six non-anomalous citizens.

The Foundation discovered the existence of SCP-195 after several reports of anomalous events involving individuals calling themselves "Mr. Brockman" and the location were sent to Site-19 in the hopes of discovering the identity of this entity. The Foundation did not have to wait long before most of these reports matched descriptions of the aforementioned Mr. Brockman, as well as his accomplice, Mrs. Broccolo.

SCP-195 was believed to be neutralized until 11/16/1981 when a pair of reporters from the BBC live in Canberra had interviewed several people living in [REDACTED]. Upon leaving the area and filing their report, they were kidnapped by Mrs. Broccolo and transported out of town using a large white van owned by a company called █████ Co., Ltd., who had taken possession of it from its previous owner █████ Co., Inc. No further information on this company is currently available. An interview with one of the kidnappers, who identifies herself as Sally Catchpole and claims to work for █████ Co., Inc., has revealed that she is indeed behind SCP-195, as well as all other anomalous locations and entities in Australia since early 1981. Due to unknown reasons, however, she lost control over SCP-195 on 11/17/1981, when Mrs. Broccolo was killed during an attempt to escape with her daughter after being dragged into an electrical storm. Since then, SCP-195 has stayed dormant and has been acting independently until further notice.

Due to Sally Catchpole's relative youth (approximately thirty years old at time of interrogation) and relative experience with anomalous entities within Australia, her motives are currently unknown or unverifiable because she claims she doesn't remember what happened on 11/17/1981 due to amnestic sedation shortly after being captured by Foundation agents . However, it is speculated that she may be involved in a conspiracy that involves both global terrorism and organized crime groups; however, there is no evidence supporting this allegation at this point in time.