
Picture of SCP-201.

Item #: SCP-201

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: All personnel working on SCP-201 are to wear space suits with a minimum air pressure of ██ psi. The subject is not to be exposed directly to sunlight for more than 5 hours during any given 24 hour period.

Description: SCP-201 is an anomalous solar sail, conceived, designed and constructed by the subject. The object is made of a standard yellow space blanket (UV stabilizing additive removed) with an aluminum foil hemispherical cage attached to the center of the sheet using transparent sheeting. The aluminum cover is held in place by a plastic grommet which is itself held in place by a layer of transparent cellophane tape.

The project was begun shortly after SCP-201 was acquired in ████, when the subject gave up trying to acquire new subjects for his anomalous human testing scheme and decided to invent a means of propulsion that did not require people. The first step was to design and build a reflective surface capable of pointing the sun at a specific angle (approximately ██°) and then capture photons from that angle. The second step involved separating this beam into parallel streams and reflecting them back through the beam path, one after another. This would also need to be done at speeds fast enough to maintain their separation from each other as they sailed along the beam.

The result was a series of extremely thin mirrors (measuring about 0.03 cm thick) built into an aluminum cage that mirrors sunlight back down along an angle and then reflects it back down the same beam again, creating what appears to be a single large mirror which has undergone two reflections. Although this appears similar to a parabolic mirror it is quite unlike one. To date no researcher has managed to capture images or video of the system in action, as it is too fast for any camera to catch. This system can be observed if one looks directly through it at the sun. However, by looking off into space, one can see that several hundred additional mirrors are spread out across the sky where sunlight travels though them during daylight hours and are also folded up on themselves and placed into cages at night when they stop reflecting light.

To date SCP-201 has only been tested outside with government issued safety permits, during daylight hours. Several tests have been done with modified EOS vehicles and cameras mounted below the vehicle with the captured data being cross reference with all known information about parabolic reflectors, solar sails and photos taken earlier of SCP-201 when stored in its original state inside its containment unit at Site-66.

Test Log 201 1 - Test 6: 1900 08/██/████ Test 6 is where I believe we finally get to see some evidence of what's going on out there! You know… I'm even more convinced now than I ever have been that these guys are actually into what they're doing! I've always felt confident that this thing generates power somehow but until now I didn't have concrete proof that it actually works! It just feels so right now… like this stuff has come together perfectly! I've gone ahead and adjusted all variables I can think of so that you'll see what really happens on test 6 as we're sticking closer to home this time around!

1900 08/██/████ Subject's voice is heard via radio after being cut off for 5 minutes due to radio issues 3.

1912 08/██/████ Subject states that he has taken footage with his high definition monochrome camera (show casing bent shadows) 4.

1915 08/██/████ Actual footage begins abruptly 5-8 mins later 9-16 secs into clip 9 secs before actual footage ends 19 secs before end 21 secs before end 15 secs before end 22 secs before end 23 seconds before end 30 seconds before end 18 seconds before end 32 seconds before end 31 seconds before end 20 seconds before end 29 seconds before end 30 seconds after end 30 seconds before end 28 seconds before end 25 seconds before end 27 seconds after end (subject's voice starts singing) 37 seconds after start 26 seconds after start 45 seconds after start 23 seconds after start 32 seconds since start 24 seconds since start 29 second since start 15 second since start 14 second since start 5 second since start 2 second since start (subject says "oh shit") 2000 10/██/████ Subject reports having seen numerous unidentified objects flying at high speeds across the sky earlier while filming 1779 09/██/████ - 1779 12/██/████ High Def video shows UFO's moving through planet atmosphere 39 minutes prior ending almost simultaneously with reports of solar flare 1403 07/██/████ Solar flare detected 1779 12/██/████ High Def video shows UFO's flying towards Sun 1403 07-08/██/████ Projectile discovers planet Jupiter 1403 09-10/██/████ Projectile heads towards Earth 1403 11-12/██/████ A small asteroid collision detected near Jupiter (nearly 100 times larger than expected) 1337 01-05/███ 02-1337 03-1403 04-1403 05-1779 06-1779 07-1779 08-1779 09-1779 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

We're at 8 minutes now… holy shit you guys are gonna love this! We're definitely getting close now… feel free to give me feedback anything you want! I can't wait to get back home again! I feel like all this time spent away put me months ahead of him… or her… or whatever these things are but I still can't figure out how they did what they did.. But i'm gonna put together everything I've learned despite not knowing how they do it or even why they do it.. And try something totally new instead.. new theory.. new approach.. What do you think? Are we gonna pull something huge off? This isn't over yet everyone… And don't forget we're coming home soon enough if things go my way…"

Addendum 201-1: Following the failure of Test 6, SCP-201 was re-classified as Safe and moved to its present location in a small warehouse building in █████, ██. At that time, the subject was transferred to a local retirement home for old people who had developed an interest in space travel.