Picture of SCP-21.
Item #: SCP-21
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-21 is kept in a standard containment locker at Site ██, which requires standard non-anomalous access control measures. Only three (3) personnel are allowed to handle SCP-21.
Description: SCP-21 is an umbrella comprised of a woven bark cloth cover and a wooden shaft. The cloth cover has been dyed a bright red, symbolizing the family name of its artisan, ██████ ██, ████ ████, who passed away in 1859.
Under normal conditions, SCP-21 is incapable of opening. Attached to the tip of the shaft are a collection of small black pins that are used to open the cloth cover. At this point it will become capable of opening and will remain so for approximately thirty (30) minutes.
SCP-21 was recovered on ██/██/19██ when it was spotted by Mobile Task Force Pi-8 ("Sons of Liberty") agents outside [REDACTED] in north western Alabama. Agents were attempting to arrest individuals involved in the [REDACTED], the largest land swindle in US history. Six members of MTF Pi-8 were killed during this operation before SCP-21 was recovered.
During testing, SCP-21 will open once per day at 11:32 AM Pacific Standard Time between [REDACTED].
Addendum 1: SCP-21 was initially contained at [REDACTED]. However, excessively high humidity levels in this area were making it difficult to store the umbrella. It was moved to Site ██ on ██/██/19██.