
Picture of SCP-215.

Item #: SCP-215

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Research Sector-4 has been established for the purpose of studying and containing SCP-215. Under the guise of "The Foundation" (which the members of Research Sector-4 have not yet thoroughly discredited), and as a cover to their unique containment procedure, all personnel are to be implanted with a tracking device on their ankle. This will allow the Foundation to track all movement and travel of SCP-215 at all times.

Any individuals who come into physical contact with SCP-215 are to be housed in an isolated treatment facility. Due to its erratic behaviour, it is recommended that the subject be kept in a cell approximately 1m x 1m, with a bed, a desk, and food and water. No personnel are to enter this cell while SCP-215 is within range. Any staff member caught in a personal cell with SCP-215 will have previously recorded video footage of it taken by surveillance cameras phase-scanned as well as interrogated. Should they be incapable of survival after interrogation, they are to be terminated; any possible witnesses will then be terminated according to standard protocol. Any staff who have lost contact with SCP-215 for more than three weeks are to undergo psychological evaluation for possible damage done.

If SCP-215 leaves the maximum containment zone during any given day, or is not found within two hours of its disappearance, a team of five MTF operatives is to be sent, disguised as Foundation agents, into the city center and contained SCP-215. Should it escape from such containment, it is to be forcefully contained and terminated by these operatives with no exception.

Description: SCP-215 is a mechanical, spherical object measuring a maximum of 1.3km in diameter, created from a basic caulking gun. The outer surface has a texture undistinguishable from plaster, and the interior is physically empty save from a wide array of complex solenoid valves, as well as an unknown biological mechanism that produces a constant "hissing" noise. It possesses no power source beyond its own internal energy production.

SCP-215 behaves erratically, often times ignoring any commands given to it by Foundation staff members. It will often travel without apparent purpose, going up to 20km away at once, but will return after roughly three hours if not found or actively pursued. Many personnel are killed or disabled as they attempt to guide subjects into containment while SCP-215 is active; however, should personnel be successful in capturing it alive, SCP-215 exhibits no consciousness, behavior or intention to harm. When placed within the containment chamber (which must be done before the individual becomes aware of SCP-215's presence), SCP- 215 will cease all activity for 10 minutes and then produce noxious fumes that cause extreme discomfort and fatigue to individuals within the area (usually within 5 meters). This will persist for some time after SCP-215 has been removed from the area. This effect was observed when an individual was located outside of the containment chamber, but sat bombarded by the fumes during its entire period inside the chamber.

SCP-215 can be contained by placing it directly against an unmoving solid object (such as a large boulder) with a radius equal to or greater than 3m (so long as this object's surface does not overlap with SCP-215). Any moving subject attempting to enter this perimeter will be knocked back upon contact with the "solid". This effect can only be stopped by using appropriate measures only available through direct physical contact with SCP-215, such as traditional firearm use or [REDACTED], although personnel have been recorded surviving these methods. SCP-215's effects can also be contained by passive methods such as constructing special chambers that prevent the emission of poisonous gases; however these are technically incompatible with standard Foundation security protocols. Further research is in progress on counteractive measures for SCP-215 known only through combatting it, such as antimemetic spray and heavy physical force applied against SCP-215 itself, however due to its unpredictable nature all measures must be taken with extreme caution.

Addendum: Following the destruction of Site-19, the Foundation made a number of discoveries regarding SCP-215. Due to its unknown internal mechanism, no current methods of containment have been found that are impervious to it.

It was discovered that SCP-215 has an anomalous effect on humans' nervous systems. In the presence of an individual who is capable of speech (and not under the influence of SCP-215 itself), it will cause advanced psychological trauma known as [REDACTED]; however, due to the fact that it is impossible to find these individuals, this is a problem currently being researched.

It was also discovered that SCP-215 has an extreme aversion to fire; every attempt to ignite it has failed. The Foundation's best countermeasure is thus far to keep a large fire burning in the containment chamber if possible. Should multiple fires be present simultaneously (such as those created by SCP-215), or in close proximity, each instance will act as its own unique countermeasure should the first be extinguished.