
Picture of SCP-224.

Item #: SCP-224

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-224 is to be kept in a standard containment locker decorated with an image of SCP-224 in its inactive state. Containers of any kind are not to be placed inside it. Any personnel working with SCP-224 must wear decontamination suites before entering the containment room, and attach them to their suits as they leave.

As SCP-224 has shown the ability to activate or deactivate itself at will, testing rules 1 through 3 need not apply; however, the presence of a subject must be confirmed via live video footage on a regular basis.

Description: SCP-224 appears to be an empty glass jar containing a liquid of some sort, normally appearing as a dark orange color. The liquid contains various types of bacteria and other microscopic organisms, including N2-type aerobic bacteria, Trichomonas vaginalis, and Candida albicans.

When a living organism comes into contact with the liquid inside SCP-224, it immediately begins to secrete a large quantity of the aforementioned microorganisms.

The subjects affected by SCP-224 appear to be oblivious to the presence of these microorganisms, even if they are in close proximity. This effect is only noticeable in long-term laboratory testing. Over 90% of subjects tested report discomfort in the lower abdomen area. However, the subject will continue to work on the assigned task until the discomfort eventually subsides after several hours or days.

Testing has shown that if the subject is distracted in any way during this time, such as talking to another subject or a researcher, their symptoms will increase quickly and prove difficult to handle. If left alone for long periods of time without distraction, this symptom will increase significantly and cause more severe reactions than would normally occur.

Addendum 224-1: On ██/██/████, SCP-224 was misplaced while being transported from Site-46 to Site-19. SCP-224 was recovered the next day with the help of the Foundation's MTFs.