
Picture of SCP-230.

Item #: SCP-230

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-230 is to be contained in a locked safe inside the offices of Dr. Bill ███████, with no exceptions. Personnel entering SCP-230's containment room must pass through biometric scanners. The Foundation's staff is not to be replaced, and all personnel affected by SCP-230 are to be given Class B amnestics.

Description: SCP-230 is a small bronze pyramid with an anomalous effect when used in conjunction with its counterpart, SCP-231. While both are identical in size and shape to regular pyramids, centrifugal force severs the apex from the body of SCP-230, while the opposite occurs for SCP-231.

When two (two) official replicas of one or the other are placed in proximity to each other, they will react by turning sharply away from one another until the anomaly is neutralized. However, if either replica is replaced with another replica, any effect that caused one replica to turn away from the other will be transferred to the new replica. Replica testing has confirmed this. This can be repeated as many times as desired without affecting the reaction initially observed by anyone present. To date, no method of neutralizing this anomaly has been discovered.

Addendum: SCP-230 was first discovered when a staff member of Area-52 reported seeing SCP-230's effect during a staff meeting. A letter from Dr. ███████, who had been absent at the time, was discovered amongst the notes left on his desk. The letter detailed a similar incident that had occurred while he was attending an event at the [REDACTED] Foundation Site. After reviewing Foundation archives, it was determined that no such event had taken place and Dr. ███████ was placed under investigation for being under the influence of an anomalous entity.

As it turned out, Dr. ███████ was in fact under the influence of SCP-230, which had replicated itself from his previous replica and had been subsequently neutralized by site security personnel. It was also discovered that Dr. ███████'s office had been subject to Class C amnestics to avoid any suspicion on his part.

The remaining members of staff were administered amnestics, and the anomaly was contained by Dr. ███████ and Dr. ██████ after his arrest was discussed with appropriate Foundation personnel.