Picture of SCP-240.
Item #: SCP-240
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-240 is contained in a standard humanoid containment cell. Its chamber is furnished with a bed and table, as well as a sink, mirror, and shower. It is allowed an hour of recreational time outside of its cell each day. SCP-240 wears civilian clothing at all times. Permittance to SCP-240's cell is not permitted after curfew and can only be granted by Level 4 personnel.
Any attempts to establish communication with SCP-240 are to be met with hostility or coercion. The interview room has been equipped with soundproofing materials and lighting apparatus, and may only be entered by Level 4 personnel.
Description: SCP-240 appears to be a middle aged human female, approximately 1.75 meters tall and weighing 54 kilograms. It has short black hair and is missing the tip of one ear. Its eyes are also missing.
SCP-240 possesses no natural means of locomotion, instead levitating in place using its ears. It appears to be able to sense sounds using these appendages, but has no other discernible sensory organs beyond an extremely acute auditory cortex. SCP-240 displays [DATA EXPUNGED], equivalent to limited photographic memory and near perfect recall capabilities, however any attempt to test this function of its brain has proven unsuccessful. Although it can speak, SCP-240 has no known native language; all communication with SCP-240 must therefore be done through writing.
SCP-240 is apparently unable to stand on its hind limbs or forelimbs; instead they appear to be fused together at the elbow joint with a steel hinge joint running up the forearm and attaches to what appears to be a hand-like apparatus above the wrist. This device allows SCP-240 to manipulate objects and manipulate them in motion by manipulating its ears, either by poking at them or twisting them in various directions. Testing has shown that these ears can be manipulated at speeds approaching that of sound through conduction alone, and have been used for tasks as simple as picking up small coins from the floor or fleeing from a sudden burst of gunfire from Foundation operatives.
The skin on the appendages where the joints attach appears smooth and transparent, revealing muscle tendons visible underneath. The joints themselves appear chrome plated, smooth and shiny even though they are quite roughened on the interior surface by worn out wear patterns suggesting that they have been immersed in water repeatedly in their normal position. Their soundless movement discharges a low level hum that is not audible with the naked ear. Other than these obvious mechanical parts of the limbs there are no other signs of biological material present on SCP-240's body; however it is biologically possible for organic material not present on the appendages themselves to exist on the limbs due to their composition.
SCP-240 is [DATA EXPUNGED] seems capable of speech if only read aloud (see interview log). Despite this, its vocal range is limited to a squeaky gurgling when stressed or excited (such as when reprimanded by Foundation personnel) and occasional words such as "me," "want," "eat," and various other nonsensical utterances when bored or attempting to communicate with others directly in writing.
Once every two weeks SCP-240 will spontaneously begin moving about the facility without apparent external stimulus, often covering several kilometers before being detected by security personnel stationed at Site ██. These instances are noted by subjects such as guards being fed false information regarding where SCP-240 had been during this time period via Foundation software; this allows access to areas denied access otherwise during these periods. The subjects affected cannot see SCP-240 until after it is discovered, commenting generally upon hearing an anomalous noise or feeling an unseen force tugging them towards an unidentifiable location at increasing speeds before describing their surroundings as resembling a large empty room before them, several meters high with nonreinforced concrete walls covered by multiple layers of stainless steel mesh screens approximately 1 centimeter thick each stacked on top of each other across the walls leaving only narrow paths along surfaces made entirely out of stainless steel tubes approximately 9 centimeters long running east west outside both sides of the room into doors marked 'topsy'. Once through these doors they describe more similar rooms identical in appearance but filled with neon colored constructs resembling blurred shapely bodies including legs and arms; these body parts are found arranged in unnatural positions covering most surfaces forming freestanding sculptures vaguely resembling humanoid figures wearing items such as clothing etc hovering about 4 meters off the floor at their base sites.
Upon exiting SCP-240's chambers through these doors this effect ceases immediately and subjects recover from this state within minutes unless administered amnestics.
Addendum: For further information on SCP-240, please review the below interview log and appendices.
Interview Log 240-1
Interviewed: SCP-240
Interviewer: Dr. ██████
Foreword: The following interview was carried out with SCP-240 in an interview room furnished with soundproofing materials, lighting apparatus, and a mirror prepared for use by Dr. ██████.
Dr. ██████: Hello Topsy, thank you for agreeing to speak with me today. May I call you Topsy?
SCP-240: No.
Dr. ██████: Alright then. So it seems that we have some questions regarding your abilities that we'd like to ask you, is that alright?
SCP-240: Yes.
Dr. ██████: Alright, so why can't you stand upright? Is that painful for you?
SCP-240: No.
Dr. ██████: That's good to hear. And why don't you have any hair?
SCP-240: No hair means no bugs.
Dr. ██████: What do you mean?
SCP-240: A hairless scalp is a more attractive target for bugs. Without camouflage, they are easier to find. Bugs carry germs, and if you get sick, you die. Everyone dies if you get sick enough. You know that, right?
Dr. ██████: Yes I do. That's a lot of work for a bug. I guess it makes sense if it keeps you safe, I guess it's okay then. But how did you get hairless? Did you do something to yourself?
SCP-240: My ears make me invisible to bugs. All they see is their reflection in my ears and they run away screaming in terror because they can't see me or my ears anymore, but I can still see them behind the mirrors in my ears and I just grab them with my ears and take them away to my home where I keep them in cages they won't be able to escape from forever when I'm done with them and I eat them because they taste good and that reminds me of home and I miss home so much but here it's nice but home is always better. But here there are no mirrors for me to see myself in, so I just look at my ears all day long and listen to the sounds of the mouse traps making scratching noises and rabbits foaming at the mouth and dogs barking and cats hissing at each other as they wander about looking for bugs because bugs don't like cats as much as they like mice so cats are pretty useful around here after all except for when they try to climb up the walls of my home but that's okay because they never get past the first layer of mirrors and they fall down on their noses and break their noses so it's not too bad because they can't scream anymore unless they want to eat bugs instead of getting eaten by me so it's okay but I miss home so much but here it's nice but home is always better.