
Picture of SCP-250.

Item #: SCP-250

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-250 must remain sealed at all times. Due to the size of its container, SCP-250 requires two guards to monitor the area around it at all times.

Description: SCP-250 is a jar filled with a greenish substance resembling meat.

When eaten by a human, the subject will complain of their jaw and teeth feeling numb after eating. The substance in SCP-250 is believed to be poisonous, although this has not yet been confirmed. A subject who consumes the substance over time will experience more and more discomfort, until they can no longer eat due to severe pain and jaw fatigue.

A subject will continue to feel pain until they are not able to swallow or speak normally. While the substance in SCP-250 is toxic, it does not seem to affect other species as quickly or seriously as humans. While eating it, subjects also reported having difficulty sleeping due to feelings of unease until they eventually succumb to exhaustion and pass out.

Addendum 250-1: SCP-250 was found in a small town in ██████, Mexico. A local farmer told the police that his dog had come across a jar containing a green substance while walking. Upon opening the jar, the farmer was attacked by what appeared to be a swarm of insects. When the police arrived, they found the farmer unconscious surrounded by SCP-250, which had dissolved into a large pool of liquid. They attempted to contain it with CO2 tanks, but were unable to do so as it dissolved around them. The police noted that the substance did not appear to eat away at the steel tanks, and instead seemed to have been torn apart.

The remains of the police officers and their dog were later discovered in an abandoned house near the location of SCP-250's discovery. On both officers' belts were removed portions of their uniform, which were repeatedly cut and eaten by what appeared to be insects. The remains of the dog were also consumed in this manner on their way home.