
Picture of SCP-265.

Item #: SCP-265

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: The current area of containment is a fenced perimeter with a masonry wall and guard tower, surrounds 0.03 km (10 meters) tall and 5 km (50 miles) long. Two additional perimeters have been built 50 km (30 miles) apart in case the main containment area suddenly collapses. The perimeter should be patrolled to ensure no civilians break through the perimeter's protective fence. If it is found necessary to evacuate any area, two Foundation agents must be on site at all times to ensure that no information is left behind.

When not in use, SCP-265 must be stored in a standard secure 18-lateral lock box.

Description: SCP-265 is a black iron door with a white wood frame, 15 cm thick, measuring 4.5 x 3.2 x 2.1 m (16 x 10 x 7ft) and weighs 4 kg (9lb). From the outside it appears to be a standard wooden door with two handles facing the front and back of the house. Once opened the door swings shut automatically.

When opened, SCP-265 is completely empty except for a small grandfather clock located on the baseboard of the wall directly behind the door. Any persons or objects standing before the door will be transported to an unknown location.

SCP-265 was located in ███████, Missouri on ██/██/19██ by Agent R█████ P█████. A Foundation agent posing as a person with severe obsessive compulsive disorder had been asked to purchase SCP-265 from the original owner due to it's reported anomalous effects on its owner. Due to its safe nature, no Foundation personnel were informed about its existence or current location until after it was discovered by Agent P█████ and secured as containment vessel.

Addendum 265-A: Since the discovery of SCP-265, ████ people have reported missing after entering SCP-265's containment area. The majority of reported missing persons are those who are not believed to be SCP-265's original intended use.