
Picture of SCP-273.

Item #: SCP-273

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: All D-Class personnel are to be administered Class IV amnestics upon exiting the facility. Post-amnestic research shall be conducted on SCP-273-1 until Foundation agents have acquired SCP-273. Once acquired, the object is to be held in a standard containment locker at Site-77. No personnel are to enter SCP-273 without Level 2 or higher clearance from the site director.

Description: SCP-273 is a pair of glasses (designated SCP-273-1) that alters the perception of its wearer. Viewing itself through SCP-273 will cause the wearer to perceive water as opaque. This effect can sometimes be mitigated via further viewing, but as of yet none have been able to show any other visual effect.

SCP-273 was recovered from [REDACTED], Maine on ██/██/1983 during a raid on a religious cult. Agents had been attempting to secure the building for several days, but when they arrived during the night most personnel were asleep, leaving a single agent behind to guard the entrance. This agent reported having seen an unidentified man wearing a pair of sunglasses inside the building. The following day, he reported seeing a similar pair of sunglasses in an ad in the local paper. A Foundation agent posing as an expert witness claimed they were "similar to those worn by Kevin Costner" and bought them at a thrift store in downtown ██████.

Addendum: D-17329 was administered Class IV amnestics and has since been released from the facility. Further research is to be conducted on the effect of SCP-273 on D-Class personnel.