
Picture of SCP-280.

Item #: SCP-280

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: Containment is complicated by the fact that the Foundation does not possess any reliable means of identifying the origins of SCP-280 instances. The only clues we have are:

Identification: All SCP-280 instances appear to be human. The average height, weight and skeletal structure appear consistent with a normal human. On the other hand, there is typically an unusually high level of adiposity and osteoarthritis in the joints due to the high amount of time spent in sedentary activities. This may change as they age, but it has been seen to occur in 30% or more of recent SCP-280 samples.

SCP-280 are genetically autonomous and will engage in autonomous behavioural patterns outside of Foundation control. Once acquired, they become trapped within the Foundation for a period of 99 years with no way to return to their normal environment. They consist primarily of office workers, academics and (most often) authors; although some police officers, business people and other professionals have been discovered. Exactly why this subpopulation exists is currently unknown.

Attempts to induce SCP-280 out of containment always terminate in failure; it is believed that the use of feeding tubes renders any attempt at escape futile on an individual basis. For this reason, SCP-280 are terminated when possible under the guise of natural causes. In addition, all SCP-280 instances encountered must be terminated at once, due to their tendency to engage in violent actions once broken out of containment.

Researchers assigned to SCP-280 are issued encrypted keys based on their position or professional background. A sample key is given below:

Key Description:

Experiment Log 280:

The following experiment was performed on a single instance of SCP-280-A using the key provided above.

Description: SCP-280-A sat on the floor of the testing chamber. When it was requested to stand, it could not so long as it remained in this position for several hours. When asked what it would like to do, SCP-280-A responded that it wanted to sit down and watch television. In response to the request to be turned back into a human, SCP-280-A picked up a smartphone and began using its GPS function using its thumb.

Addendum 280-1: SCP-280-A has been moved to a confined area with no windows and provided with a television. SCP-280-A has become agitated and is acting erratically, using its smartphone to start and stop the TV. SCP-280-A remains in the same position and appears to be disoriented. As such, it has been provided with a television remote in order to keep it occupied.

As of 10/13/2018, SCP-280-A has developed an informal "job" of watching television during the hours of 08:00 through 18:00. It is believed that this is due to the lack of sunlight during this time period. SCP-280-A will sometimes leave its location occasionally, but it always returns shortly after.

SCP-280-B is currently in containment at Site ██. SCP-280-B was later identified as Justin ████████, the author of the Foundation website [REDACTED].