Picture of SCP-283.
Item #: SCP-283
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-283 is to be kept in a temperature and humidity controlled, high security storage locker. It is to be rotated between a variety of storage media at least once per week. For the first month following any change in storage medium, it is to be rotated weekly until stable.
It is to be examined only by personnel who have completed a detailed study of the esoteric languages commonly attributed to SCP-283. Under no circumstances are any personnel to attempt to communicate verbally with SCP-283 or view its contents.
Description: SCP-283 is a silver spoon. The handle of the spoon has multiple engravings, including but not limited to:
The back of the stopper has an identical, though less elaborate engraving.
The bowl portion of the spoon is engraved with what appears to be an unknown language. Attempts to translate the language have thus far been unsuccessful. However, it is clear that the spoon was created by an individual who had access to Ancient Greek as a written language. The form and styling of the text is consistent with that seen in ancient Greek classical inscriptions.
While SCP-283 itself does not seem capable of speech, its contents are eloquent enough to justify its classification as autonomous cognitohazardous entity. It is believed that this implies the possibility of memetic or interdimensional potential. Depending on circumstances, the hazardous potential could be manifested as a physical cognitohazardous effect (but not on any personnel who have completed documentation), or due to it being perceived as possessing similar properties to memetic hazards such as SCP-112; this scenario would be considered unlikely and would require all personnel to be kept separate from SCP-283 until testing for containment failure can be concluded.
It seems likely that, in addition to being cognitohazardous in nature, SCP-283 may also be memetic in nature. Its content and its specific way of being distributed suggest that it was handcrafted specifically for distribution among individuals who share one or more specific interests or philosophies, however such a distribution mechanism has yet to be observed/detected. In view of this factor, it is likely that SCP-283 should not be handled by any individual who shares knowledge of its origination or originator; if the knowledge does reach sufficiently high levels of interest, then it could have a significant physical effect on the individual handling it.
Addendum: SCP-283 was discovered in a small antique shop in the town of [REDACTED], Norway. Personnel were sent to investigate, and upon arriving discovered that the shop had been cleaned out. It was then discovered that the shop was owned by [REDACTED].
While investigating, a [REDACTED] individual was found wandering around near the shop. [REDACTED] is believed to be the creator of SCP-283, but this cannot be verified due to the fact that [REDACTED] is unable to speak. The collector was detained and interrogated, but it came to no conclusion as to the origin of SCP-283.