
Picture of SCP-293.

Item #: SCP-293

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: The object is to be contained in a humanoid containment cell measuring at least 4.7 meters wide, with a ceiling height of 0.9 meters, for the purpose of limiting vertical movement. The cell will contain one power socket and two featureless windows, each of which is to be fitted with observation lenses. A video camera will be positioned on the ceiling over the window. Feeding must be supervised through the lens by a member of Security. All other forms of communication with SCP-293 are prohibited by

Description: SCP-293 is a gray wolf (Canis lupus) otherwise known as a wild canid, measuring in at approximately 2.2 meters in length and weighing 70 kg. SCP-293 has been known to be highly intelligent, extremely aggressive, and willing to engage in cannibalism. SCP-293 has never been known to obtain sustenance by any other means than killing its prey and consuming them on the spot.

As of 5/21/2011, all anomalous properties of SCP-293 have ceased working. No further incidents are anticipated. All testing on SCP-293 has been suspended until further notice.

SCP-293 appears to have maximal strength and durability, even when inactive. Its jaw can exert forces upwards of 1,600 newtons, which is more than double the average force of human jaws. It was estimated that all four paws would need to be over 6,000 newtons each to cause any significant damage during a fight with another animal of similar mass and mass distribution. It has been determined that SCP-293 cannot be held down or restrained in any way, as it seems unaffected by both anesthetics and sedatives. SCP-293 will aggressively lash out at any human attempting to restrain it until proper containment procedures are enacted.

A special diet is required to prevent injuries from occurring repeatedly to SCP-293's intestines caused by continuous ingestion of hard objects such as rocks or bones. After sustaining several such injuries, SCP-293's health later declined rapidly and had to be euthanized by the facility medical staff after multiple attempts at delaying the inevitable via sedation were judged unsuccessful by the facility director on 6/26/2011.

Addendum: The following is a log of events that occurred with SCP-293 prior to its death.


SCP-293 was placed in its containment cell for the first time.


SCP-293 was left unsupervised for approximately 2 hours before exhibiting signs of distress and attempting to escape from the cell. It was contained by two Security personnel and all attempts at sedation were unsuccessful.


SCP-293 produced an unusually large amount of urine, and had difficulty standing afterwards. It was fed a standard diet consisting of meat and vegetables.


SCP-293 was injured by a guard during a bout of play and sedated.


Diet refilled to standard.


SCP-293 was placed in a straitjacket after it attacked two guards while they attempted to restrain it again.


Euthanized by the facility director, who cited several medical issues which had accumulated over time. At the time of death, SCP-293 was estimated to be between one and three years old.