Picture of SCP-309.
Item #: SCP-309
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-309 is to be contained in a standard Safe Class item locker, and kept at all times under guard. As of 23/03/2015, SCP-309 is currently stored at Site-██.
Description: SCP-309 is an open book containing handwritten mathematical formulas. Similar to the Elements of Euclid, the text is written in the Euclidean script, which uses pure mathematics as its language.
The book's cover depicts two people staring at a green flat surface. The characters seen on its cover are not found anywhere in Euclid's Elements, nor do they resemble any known mathematicians or figures from history. For example, the characters "Euclid" and "Archimedes" are not present in SCP-309. No historical figure holding a book similar to SCP-309 has ever been found before or since its acquisition.
The mathematical formulas within SCP-309 bear close similarities to those found in the Elements of Euclid. The similarity goes beyond just word usage, however, in that nearly all formulas contain the same symbols in different places with the same values.
Aside from the mathematical content, the text contains several sentences written by an unknown author. Since it was acquired and confiscated by Secret Service in [REDACTED], it has remained unreadable due to severe water damage.
Addendum: SCP-309 was recovered by FBI agents on ██/11/████, during an arrest at the JFK International Airport. The book's initial anomalous effects had begun to manifest after its acquisition. The following is a transcript of SCP-309 at that time:
I am writing this for you, my sons. Within these pages are the answers to your questions.
I have worked long and hard, through so much pain and suffering, to lay down these formulas in place for your benefit. Please do not be disappointed. This series of formulas will answer all your questions, provided you are willing to learn from them.
You have done well to come this far. This is not a simple journey for the young men who seek knowledge. I know it is not easy for you, but if you will read the pages that follow, you will find all the answers you seek. It will be worth it, I promise you.
As I write these words, I see a number of you shaking your heads and disagreeing with what I have written. The truth is you do not want to know the truth. Perhaps it is because you are afraid of what you will find out. But know this: The journey is far more important than the destination. You must find that within yourself to pursue this quest.
This book will help you reach your goal.
But now we must leave this place of great learning behind us. We must go now to our next destination, where we will be safer from harm.