
Picture of SCP-311.

Item #: SCP-311

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-311 is to be contained in a standard Safe containing locker at Site-77. Only personnel with Level 4 Security Clearance are permitted to handle SCP-311.

Personnel entering the containment area of SCP-311 are required to wear rubberized full body suits and/or face masks and must keep their hands away from the opening of SCP-311 while inside its containment area. Any staff entering the containment area of SCP-311 without appropriate protective precautions are to be reprimanded, then [REDACTED].

Description: SCP-311 is a portable cremation urn made of red/maroon colored concrete. No markings are visible from outside the container, except for a warning label in English and Chinese reading:



This object contains a very unstable and powerful energy source. Do not attempt to open this container under any circumstances. If it is opened the contents will explode violently, possibly killing anyone within a radius of 50 meters.

The containment area of SCP-311 consists of a steel door, two cameras with live monitoring, four air filters, and an incinerator located in the center of the room. The incinerator rests on top of an electromagnet which moves the incinerator platform once every twenty minutes. Two safes containing ceramic containers labeled "BURN VESSEL FOR REST OF YOUR LIVES" have been placed in the room as a precaution against unapproved opening of SCP-311.

Addendum: SCP-311 was found in the possession of ________________, who was killed during an accidental gas leak in his apartment. He had been an employee of ████ ████ ██████ ████ █████████, a storage facility which also contained a crematorium.

The following letter was found next to SCP-311.

Subject: ________________

Date: ██/██/████

Location: █████ ██████, [REDACTED]

Dear Mr.████,

I am sorry to inform you that we have to close down our facility due to the many complaints from your customers. We will be closing it down for good, but if you can keep this urn for a few more days, I can offer you ten thousand dollars for it. I have tried to contact the [REDACTED] government several times but they refuse to do anything about the problem.

– Mr.████

A number of tests involving SCP-311 have shown no adverse effects on humans or animals when placed in the incinerator. However, under certain circumstances, SCP-311 can cause one or more of its contents to explode violently. The force and speed of the explosion depends on the amount of energy stored within SCP-311's contents.