Picture of SCP-313.
Item #: SCP-313
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-313 is to be kept within a temperature regulated storage unit in Site-18. The unit is to be led through an automated system of checks and balances when opened, and any changes to the object's state are to be recorded by the monitoring team present. The object is to be stored under constant observation of its surface, with any movements noted and a report sent to security. Testing of SCP-313 is restricted on the base of experiment log 313. All testing of the object must be approved by O-█.
Description: SCP-313 is a metal box of unknown size, with a lid of the same material. The object's surface is covered in writing in Latin, with no visible symbols or language. Despite this, the writing is intelligible to trained linguists and scholars.
When opened, SCP-313 emits a bright beam that extends along its length. When a human being stands within this beam while it is powered up, they will be teleported to a location outside of SCP-313's current range (approx. 5km). The teleportation process has not been observed to be accompanied by any damage to the person teleported.
SCP-313 does not appear to require any form of power to function, as it has been inactive for over half a century and still functions (although only if the object's lid remains closed). At the time of its discovery, the object was stored within an abandoned warehouse on ██████, with faint writing partially covering its surface. The warehouse was gutted by unknown persons one week after it was discovered, but it appears likely that they were trying to "clean" the site prior to reoccupation by Foundation staff. Newspaper clippings from ████████████ detailing the incident have since been recovered.
Addendum 313-1:
The object was discovered when two Foundation agents were investigating a possible link between the disappearance of ████████ █████, a prominent linguist, and anomalous activity in the area. SCP-313 had been moved to a warehouse on ██████ by unknown persons, with a newspaper clipping about the incident found beside the item. Further investigation revealed the existence of numerous psychics in the area, and it was determined that they could be used to track the object\'s location. Six psychics were lured to an abandoned warehouse in the ████████████ suburb of ████████████, where they were directed to enter SCP-313. The object\'s beam was activated, and the team reported seeing a white light at the end of the beam.
After being teleported, the team reported being in a location with a bright blue sky, surrounded by several other individuals wearing similar clothing. The team reported that these individuals "greeted" them and attempted to communicate with them. The team was then teleported to Site-18 at midnight (local time).
The following is a transcript of this telepathic transmission.
Subject: Pupil of Professor █████
Message: We have found ourselves in a place unlike any we have ever seen before. It is beautiful and yet strange, but we are being watched by many who wish us harm. We must find some way out of here.
Note: None of the other people in this room talk at all. There are no people here that I can see. All we can hear is their thoughts. We can feel their fear, their anger, their hatred towards us. They are waiting for us to leave so they can kill us.