Picture of SCP-315.
Item #: SCP-315
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: No official containment measure is at this time in effect for SCP-315. At least three Foundation agents are to monitor SCP-315's location at all times through various means.
Description: SCP-315 is a large, humanoid figure covered in black armor and wielding an enormous bludgeoning weapon. Despite the fact that there is no visible body beneath the armor, atmospheric analysis has shown the presence of oxygen. The armor is heavily dented and worn but undamaged.
SCP-315 will move towards any approaching human or animal with its giant hammer. Should SCP-315 strike a human or animal, it will retreat from the area to perform maintenance on its armor. Affected subjects will begin to feel as if they are being watched by an unseen presence until death occurs, after which SCP-315 will slowly walk back toward the subject's location to perform further maintenance on its armor. Any affected subject that makes contact with another living creature will be driven towards them, causing SCP-315 to continually walk toward the target.
If SCP-315 is unable to relocate any of its targets, it will wander aimlessly until it comes across another human or animal in need of a protector and proceed as before.
Addendum 315-1: SCP-315's armor was recovered in early 2003 after a [REDACTED] investigation of a cult that had been worshiping SCP-315 collapsed. The armor was found in the basement of the cult's temple, along with SCP-315 itself. After an initial attempt to destroy the armor, containment agents were able to recover several pieces of it.