
Picture of SCP-317.

Item #: SCP-317

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-317 is contained in a Standard Humanoid Containment Cell, furnished with a bed, desk and living area for SCP-317's use. The cell's door is to be unkeyed and left open at all times.

Regular human contact with SCP-317 is prohibited, in favor of the application of Class-A amnestics. Any records or footage of interaction between SCP-317 and the Foundation are to be destroyed at the earliest opportunity. A covert surveillance team has been established to monitor any and all media publicity, with the objective to ensure that no information relating to SCP-317 is ever publicly released. If this proves impossible, it is imperative to avoid publicizing the nature of SCP-317.

Description: SCP-317 is a male humanoid entity, approximately 1.9 m in height and weighing 55 kg. SCP-317 displays no abnormal behavior or intelligence in the conventional sense of the word; that is, SCP-317 does not exhibit any notable quirks or eccentricities.

SCP-317 visually appears to be a non-anomalous human male of Asian descent, with facial features uncharacteristically deformed by bulging eyes and a nose that has been displaced upwards by one nostril. A visible patch of partially digested flesh can be seen on SCP-317's right cheek.

SCP-317 possesses an unnamed anomalous effect which causes it to become highly agitated and erratic if it is in visual proximity with any human being other than its immediate family members, including strangers. If SCP-317 encounters any human other than its family members, it will attempt to forcibly remove them from their surroundings and deliver them to its residence, where they are then guarded closely until resuming its anomalous behavior once again. This is referred to as SCP-317's ‘Packaging Effect’. Upon reaching its residence, SCP-317 will proceed to place a ████ value tag on each victim as well as abstract artwork or other memorabilia pertaining to the victim prior to packaging them for delivery.

Subjects affected by SCP-317's anomalous effects display severe distress and a desire to be kept enclosed within their personal space for extended periods of time due to the perceived loss of autonomy that occurs when rendered inaccessible by another entity. It is currently unknown whether this is a learned response brought upon victims by SCP-317's anomalous effect or if the emotional trauma involved in the experience causes its victims to behave in this manner regardless of cause.

If there are no persons present within sight of SCP-317 at the time of its Packaging Effect, it will remain unaffected until encountering another living person. The number of victims delivered by SCP-317 has been steadily increasing since initial containment; however there have been no reports of additional instances appearing outside of Foundation facilities nor has there been indication that additional instances are being created artificially using SCP objects as components.

Addendum 317-1: SCP-317's anomalous effect was discovered on ██/██/19██ when Foundation agents investigating reports of missing persons were alerted to the existence of a large warehouse located in ██████, CA. The building, which was confirmed to be owned by SCP-317 and was under the guise of an art gallery named ‘The Gallery’, had been occupied by SCP-317 for several weeks until its initial containment.

Upon being informed of SCP-317's anomalous effects, agents attempted to apprehend SCP-317 for questioning. SCP-317, upon discovering this, panicked and fled from the location in a vehicle registered in the name of one of its relatives. Due to the lack of any evidence linking the Foundation to SCP-317's residence and the lack of video footage available to confirm that it was currently inhabited by a non-anomalous individual, SCP-317 was not detained or investigated further.

Upon reaching its residence, SCP-317 exhibited no abnormal behavior and did not respond to any attempt by Foundation personnel to communicate with it. Agents later reported that SCP-317 appeared to be heavily asleep, possibly comatose.