
Picture of SCP-319.

Item #: SCP-319

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-319 is to be stored in a secure cryogenic chamber beneath Site ██. The chamber is to be kept at -320 °C. The only personnel allowed near SCP-319 are those testing it, and must wear temperature-sensitive gloves. Any attempts by unauthorized personnel to enter the chamber must be prevented by any means necessary.

SCP-319 may not be moved from its current location once it has been removed from containment. In the event that an ILD is discovered, emergency protocols are to be enacted immediately.

Description: SCP-319 appears to be a plastic-coated gray cylinder, approximately 10 m in length and 3 cm in diameter. The object features a series of holes at regular intervals along its length. The object is covered with a translucent white coating, which has a fractal pattern on its surface.

When the object is placed in a cryogenic chamber at temperatures below -320 °C, the object will display an ILD depicting the interior of the chamber. While displaying an ILD, SCP-319 itself does not appear to be affected by ambient temperature. SCP-319's ILDs do not include any sound or radio interference, but instead make use of the same display technology as standard liquid crystal displays found in digital devices.

Upon removal from cryogenic storage, SCP-319 will again display an ILD depicting the interior of the cryogenic chamber. The reconstituted object will always appear to be empty except for dust and cobwebs, despite being observed to have been perfectly clean and unaltered when removed from cryogenic storage. The object will display this phenomenon indefinitely under normal temperatures.

SCP-319 was recovered from ████ ████ after reports from staff members of anomalous heat signatures were reported by security personnel stationed in Area ██. A containment team was sent in response, but after interviews with witnesses and examination of the site, it was determined that the source of the report was not anomalous in nature. It was discovered upon further investigation that all staff members stationed in Area ██ had become comatose due to subjecting themselves to very low temperatures over extended periods of time. A former laboratory assistant responsible for treating one of the affected workers has been interviewed by agents embedded within Site ██, who confirmed that subjects exposed to temperatures below -320 °C would have the option to view any other subjects they had worked with while they were comatose displayed inside SCP-319 simultaneously, causing them to believe they were reliving their last working experience together.

Addendum 319-1: Incident 320

On █/██/20██, a Level 4 security breach was detected inside SCP-319. Upon investigation, it was discovered that the interior of SCP-319 was being projected by an ILD onto a nearby wall. The projectors were found to be located in the elevator shaft, which had been sealed off from the rest of the facility by added concrete and steel. The projectors were shut down, but the projectors' ILDs continued to display on a nearby wall for over █ hours before collapsing.