Picture of SCP-320.
Item #: SCP-320
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-320 is contained in a secure, closed, storage facility. Any documented theft or loss of SCP-320 is to be reported immediately to security personnel and the local police. No unauthorized interaction with SCP-320 is allowed under any circumstances.
Description: SCP-320 is a plush, stuffed animal of the genus Rosa (a type of rose). It measures approximately 2m tall, weighs 100 kg, and was manufactured by German toy company Schleich in 1986. SCP-320 is generally pink in coloration, with red spots splattered on its underside.
SCP-320 has no anomalous properties on its own; however, when handled by a human being, it will manifest several minute spikes, called 'petals', which will burst from its body at random, usually protruding from SCP-320's side. SCP-320 is otherwise harmless to humans, often sitting around in public places and displaying normal behavior.
When these petals are removed and planted into soil, they will grow into roses. Roses derived from SCP-320 are capable of producing seeds (the entire flower and everything inside) which will then germinate and grow into new members of the Rosaceae family. Roses produced from SCP-320 have shown no anomalous properties other than the ability to grow from the petals themselves; all have been bred to contain a genetic component that allows them to produce corn kernels (the rose's fruit) as well as seeds. Seeds produced by SCP-320 have been able to survive up to 12 months without water once dry; however, they remain viable for only an average of three days after being watered. Once seeds are left uncultivated for longer than three months, they will begin to wither and deteriorate rapidly outside of their container or while still in their seed form in excess of 15 degrees Celsius.
The process the rose uses to create seeds is currently unknown; however, details are available through experimentation with altered roses derived from SCP-320. See Addendum 320-1 for details.
Addendum 320-1: Test Log
Testing with roses derived from SCP-320 was suspended after the death of an O-6 researcher, Dr. ██████, in 2001. The cause of Dr. ██████\'s death was asphyxiation; however, the investigation revealed that his last words were "I think I\'m going to die." Prior to this, and despite being advised to wear a mask by his supervisor and other agents, Dr. ██████ had removed his protective mask and proceeded to breath in SCP-320\'s rose petals. He then collapsed in the testing room and died of asphyxiation within 5 minutes.
It is unknown what precisely caused Dr. ██████\'s death; however, it is believed that his repeated exposure to SCP-320\'s rose petals may have been a factor, especially considering that they are not sterile when introduced into the airways. Testing involving SCP-320 has been resumed.