Picture of SCP-323.
Item #: SCP-323
Object Class: Beta
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-323 is contained in a standard containment chamber, which is 10m x 10m x 10m. It is to be kept in a dessicant chamber beneath 4 cm of dry ice and kept at -140°C. Due to its extremely low mass, SCP-323 requires no additional shielding.
Discovery: SCP-323 was first discovered in 1989, when satellites orbiting the Earth observed massive electromagnetic anomalies effecting the Earth's magnetic field. Upon being studied by Foundation personnel, it was determined that SCP-323 had caused the anomalies.
In 1993, knowledge of SCP-323 was leaked to the public in the form of a paranormal television show titled "X-Files". Officials from the Foundation were forced to take action by neutralizing all copies of this program after a series of violent incidents occurred as a result of an internet meme contest regarding SCP-323. Murder, arson, theft and other criminal activities were frequent consequences after the uploading of such items on imageboards or other online forums associated with "X-Files".
The Foundation eventually developed a computer virus capable of disrupting the functionality of any computer capable of running Windows 95 or above running Microsoft products. This virus spread through computers worldwide, whilst simultaneously making its way onto all existing media; newspapers, books, radio programs and television shows that contained information about "X-Files" were infected with a virus that would erase any mention of it from electronic forms of media. The same virus also blocked access to websites discussing "X-Files", effectively removing it from the mainstream media for another five years.
Description: SCP-323 is a piece of magnetic tape approximately 3.2 m long and .3 m wide, placed in a plastic case. It has a paper label reading "Stuff This In Your Tape Recorder" affixed to its front surface.
The anomalous properties of SCP-323 manifest when it is removed from its container, when a tape recorder capable of storing sound is inserted into the device, or when a magnetic field more powerful than 10 Tesla is occasioned in proximity to the device.
SCP-323 will cause a magnetically active portion of Earth's magnetic field to suddenly reverse direction, displacing an amount of energy equivalent to 10 Gigajoules approximately 1.17 m from the center core of the Earth's core. This anomaly occurs in 80% of cases where a portion of Earth's magnetic field is displaced by 25% or greater from the original direction; these instances are known as SCP-323-1.
SCP-323-1 will persist for thirty seconds before either expiring or being absorbed by the Earth's core. During this time, electromagnetic fields within a 50 km radius will be affected at a strength equivalent to 12 times their normal value; this increased intensity will continue until SCP-323-1 expires and ceases to exist.
When a large number of SCP-323-1 instances are produced in relatively close proximity to each other, the power output will increase exponentially, at first affecting only surfaces with an electrostatic charge larger than 100 volts (5 Amps) and ultimately causing all surfaces with an electrostatic charge larger than 100 volts to react in extreme ways.
Addendum: All instances of SCP-323-1 have been classified as SCPs.
SCP-323-1 instances have been categorized into three groups, each of which is contained within a secure and guarded location.
SCP-323-2 are items that are capable of moving or altering their shape somewhat upon exposure to electromagnetic fields. The only known instance of an SCP-323-2 is SCP-323-2-7, which can travel in any direction at any speed it likes.
SCP-323-3 are items that do not react to electromagnetic fields, but rather to the magnetic field generated by SCP-323. These are generally inorganic objects that are composed of ferromagnetic materials such as iron or steel, and may be found suspended in midair by the anomaly. Each instance of SCP-323-3 has become attached to a specific area on Earth\'s surface, and will remain there unless removed.
SCP-323 was recovered by Foundation agents in 1989 after being exposed to a significant amount of electromagnetic activity caused by the airing of "X-Files". The Foundation has classified all instances of SCP-323-1 as SCPs in order to prevent further incidents from occurring due to exposure to "X-Files". During the summer of 1993, agents were dispatched throughout the world to investigate various sources of anomalous activity caused by "X-Files" media. Agents discovered over 3000 documented occurrences of SCP-323\'s effects and classified them as SCP objects.