Picture of SCP-325.
Item #: SCP-325
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-325 is to be kept in a humanoid containment cell at Site-64, which has been modified to include a toilet, light table and medium-sized table. A wall has been erected between SCP-325's cell and the rest of the site, with a door to the outside welded shut and monitored at all times by security personnel. Furthermore, only one human is to enter or leave SCP-325's cell, under the guise of 'bringing food'. The human should remain quiet while in SCP-325's containment area, and exit as quickly as possible once SCP-325 is asleep.
Description: SCP-325 is a humanoid entity with an approximate height of 2 m, weighing approximately 44 kg. It has a mass of around 30 kg. The entity possesses no recognizable organs, and does not use them for physiological needs. It does not excrete or expel waste, except when suffering from prolonged bouts of sleep deprivation; consequently, SCP-325 defecates only in cases where it has been deprived of adequate sleep for a long period of time. SCP-325's skin is pale grey in coloration and luminescent.
SCP-325 is capable of opening its mouth at will to eject its contents. The contents tend to be paper, straws and toilet paper (when applicable). It appears to do so involuntarily most often when it is asleep, though SCP-325 has also expelled various materials on several occasions when awake and threatened by Foundation personnel.
It was not until after several months of research that any objects were found inside SCP-325's stomach with which it could produce its bodily functions. They have since been identified as:
Although SCP-325 cannot move on its own, it can inflate like a balloon when threatened or otherwise agitated by humans. This may or may not be accompanied by the expulsion of various fluids (described below), but the presence of these fluids is consistent with them originating in the source's stomach.
Addendum 325.1: SCP-325 was discovered by Foundation agents in ██████, England, after reports were received of a homeless man (SCP-325's parent) using a newspaper to make 'homemade soap' for his face and hands. After interviewing the parent, the Foundation was able to identify the parent as SCP-325, and several weeks later SCP-325 was successfully contained. As of writing, SCP-325 has been kept in a humanoid containment cell on Site-64 for approximately 6 months.