Picture of SCP-329.
Item #: SCP-329
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: The Foundation has set up a special containment unit at Research Site-77 in a remote area just outside of Las Vegas, Nevada. The area is under constant watch by security personnel and the building itself is structurally sound. A backup site has been established in the same general area.
All personnel entering this area are to wear Level 3 protection gear at all times. In addition to stopping anyone from passing through the containment chamber door, these measures can be used to prevent entry or exit of objects or organisms into SCP-329-A. Personnel entering SCP-329-A are required to wear Level 4 protection equipment at all times; this requirement extends to all individuals interacting with SCP-329-A at any point (see Addendum 329-2).
Description: SCP-329 is a single, standard cabin with multiple rooms inside.
SCP-329-A is the main room of SCP-329 and is accessible from outside SCP-329 through the door on the far side of the room. The walls and floor of SCP-329-A are an anomalous material that does not respond to any baryonic matter. This material cannot be seen with the naked eye; X-ray analysis shows it as being composed of a fine dust similar to talcum powder. This substance is infusible and can only be dissolved by a saline solution; when wetted, the powder swells into a gelatinous mass approximately 1.5 cm in diameter. As this material has a solid state, it is impervious to physical damage; however, it will eventually wear away a surface if continually exposed to use or neglect.
This material is identical to that produced by naturally occurring albinism and not due to any form of plastic surgery.
On all sides of this room are numerous soft sculptures, including human figures and animals made from it, arranged in patterns (see Addendum 329-3). These sculptures are completely anatomically correct; none show evidence of artificial modification or alteration by genetic engineering methods or other unnatural means. Most have been carved from the substance from above the level at which it swells. In addition, all individual parts within these sculptures appear to be made of identical organic materials resembling collagen and keratin proteins in atomic detail.
The floor material on all sides also contains numerous instances of rusted metal objects arranged in logs in exactly the same way as the clay sculptures but with no sign of weathering or deterioration. All individual metals have atomic compositions identical to their more common non-anomalous cousins (except several rare cases where corrosion has resulted in a molecule shift change in some metals).
Every year on 12/12/12 at 11:11, SCP-329 will produce an instance of SCP-329-B within itself. The instance will contain no lifeforms or other anomalous substances unless brought in. Attempts to remove everything except SCP-329 and an instance of SCP-329-B have proven futile; they always reappear inside SCP-329 after being removed (and even reappear inside an empty case) until they are disposed of properly.
Addendum 329-1: Interview 329-1
Interviewed: SCP-329
Interviewer: Dr. ████████
Foreword: This interview was conducted after SCP-329-B was removed and stored inside a locked case.
Dr. ████████: Okay, we're here. We've been doing our testing in here for a while now, so we're pretty familiar with the room. I want to make sure that you understand that we're not going to talk about what happened before this part of the interview.
SCP-329: Is that necessary?
Dr. ███████n: I'd like to know what happened before it took us. Did you have any other plans for that day?
SCP-329: Yes, I had an appointment in town. I was supposed to be there for a new job next week.
Dr. ████████: When did you get the job?
SCP-329: Oh, last week sometime. What's this about? Why are you asking me questions?
Dr. ███████n: I'm trying to understand what happened yesterday. During the incident, you stopped responding to any verbal commands and it appeared as though you were going to try and destroy one of your sculptures; I'd like to get a better understanding of your motivations. What exactly were you doing when we came outside?
SCP-329: Well, I got up around 5 AM and got ready for my appointment in town. Then today was just something that I needed to do; no big deal.
Dr. ████████: What were you going to do in town?
SCP-329: I was commissioned by an art gallery to build a couple of sculptures for them; they wanted several different pieces for a special exhibit that's coming up next month. They wanted something really artistic and elaborate, but I wasn't really interested in doing something like that because it's not really my style; most of my work is more realistic and focused on natural elements, not abstract concepts or symbols; to make something like that would be sort of overkill for my usual work. The gallery made it clear that they weren't going to hold up their end of the bargain unless I could produce something for them by the end of the year so I took it upon myself to get them done no matter what it took. It was just a little side thing for me, nothing too big or important.
Dr. ████████: You said you booked your appointment early this week; what time did you leave home to go there?
SCP-329: About 6:30 AM, why?
Dr. ███████n: Just curious; what time did you leave home yesterday?
SCP-329: Oh… about 6 AM, why?
Dr. ███████n: Just curious; what time did you leave home yesterday?
SCP-329: Why do you keep asking me these questions all of a sudden? What's going on?
Dr. ███████n: Just answer the question please! Do you remember leaving home yesterday or not? Was there anything unusual that happened before you left? Anything at all! Give me anything! Anything at all! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Po—
SCP-329 has begun screaming loudly throughout the entire containment chamber and has broken through the door and into SCP-329-A; SCP-329 had not been restrained during this interview and grabbed Dr. ███████n's arm as he began screaming.