
Picture of SCP-333.

Item #: SCP-333

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-333 is to be kept in a standard cell of a Type 2 Secure Containment Unit at Site 51. SCP-333 is to be fed once every 24 hours and shall require no other treatment. In the event of an emergency, SCP-333 is allowed limited access to one personnel for up to 10 minutes at a time, with no more than one additional personnel present. At the end of this time, SCP-333 is to receive no further outside contact until an additional five (5) minutes have passed.

Description: SCP-333 is an adult male indetectable humanoid entity of an unknown biological classification. SCP-333's physical description and appearance appear to be related to SCP-███, a human entity thought to have been created as a result of the SCP-███ Experiment. SCP-333 has not volunteered any information regarding its origin or nature, and has not shown demonstrated any knowledge of its anomalous properties.

SCP-333 describes itself as "a science experiment" which was mistakenly installed into its current containment cell. It identifies itself by these circumstances only; it will use first and last names when speaking with personnel, but does not respond to questions about the nature of its origin.

When under direct observation via CCTV for one half hour per week, SCP-333 will exhibit one of three states:

Foundation personnel who interact with SCP-333 report similar effects, although this effect is much weaker than when directly observing SCP-333. Each additional Foundation personnel present during observation can reduce the strength of this effect.

SCP-333's main motivation appears to revolve around learning more about its anomalous properties. It will often engage in "what do you know?" conversations with Foundation personnel; questions that produce positive reactions include "why don't we know more about it?", "is there a way to tell it apart from other anomalies?", and "is there a way to make it talk?". These topics are also frequently discussed with non-Foundation personnel, who generally have little success in answering these questions. When confronted with these topics during conversation with Foundation personnel, SCP-333 will openly express disappointment at its lack of knowledge, claiming that it "hates secrets".

The researcher writing the log entry must attempt to answer the questions posed by SCP-333 in order to avoid further negative effects on his/her mental state. Failure to do so will result in increased levels of isolation until a successful log entry is written down.


On 09/08/20██, SCP-333 was given permission to be granted one hour of outside contact per week. During the first half hour, SCP-333 appeared to mimic its prior behavior, but after the initial exchange, SCP-333 began expressing frustration at not being able to answer the questions asked in the logbook. It expressed a desire to "talk to someone about it". Further attempts to engage SCP-333 in conversation were unsuccessful, and SCP-333 was returned to its current cell.