Picture of SCP-345.
Item #: SCP-345
Object Class: Euclid-Po
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-345 is kept in a locker in a Geological and Paleontological research facility. Researchers should not approach it without the presence of several security personnel, as contact with its surface causes extreme psychological distress.
As SCP-345 is known to be hard to destroy, no action is currently taken to contain it. In case of emergency, it may be destroyed by dropping a large stone on top of it. This can be repeated as needed.
Description: SCP-345 is a metallic cylinder, roughly 8 m long and 4 m high. Its surface looks like a map of the world's ocean depths. A detailed map of the Atlantic Ocean has been made using SCP-345, but it is invisible to all except underwater creatures.
SCP-345 was found on the bottom of the ocean off the coast of Greenland by several fisherman who were unaware of its anomalous properties. Dr. █████, Senior Researcher for the Department of Geological Sciences, was observing SCP-345 when it suddenly activated, causing severe dizziness and nausea to her. She soon recovered and confirmed that SCP-345 emitted an unusually strong magnetic field that forced nearby iron objects to align with it; this behavior had been observed in previous tests. Both Foundation personnel involved were informed of its anomalous properties but decided not to report them at the time.
The Foundation acquired SCP-345 from Dr. █████ after her retirement from the Foundation and transferred it to a suitable containment unit. Containment procedures have been updated over time in response to changes in the object and its effects.
Addendum: Discovery of SCP-345's effect on non-metallic objects.
On ██/██/2012, Dr. █████ investigated the effect of SCP-345 on other types of materials by placing several different objects (including several non-metallic substances) close to the object. The following are notes she took while attempting to discern the effects of SCP-345 on objects that do not contain iron.
Objects placed near SCP-345 appear to align themselves with it, as expected.
Objects appear to be drawn towards SCP-345 if they are magnetic. This is not consistent, however.
Objects appear to become more magnetic after being near SCP-345, which might be due to an electromagnetic field emitted by the object.
Several objects are drawn toward SCP-345 without becoming magnetic at all. This is not consistent, however; some items maintain a constant magnetic field, while others lose it completely.
Objects that retain their magnetic field after being near SCP-345 are affected by the magnetic force exerted on them by the object, and may move in the direction of SCP-345. Several objects behaved normally before being near the object; however, when they were approximately one meter away from it, they began to move very quickly in a random direction until they collided with another object or left the area altogether. In one case, an object that was originally placed in a horizontal position was observed to move vertically for several seconds before moving horizontally again.