Picture of SCP-355.
Item #: SCP-355
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: A life-size replica constructed of solid volcanic rock is to be kept in the containment area at Site-64. SCP-355 instances are to be contained by a 2m brazier made of volcanic rock with a diameter of 1m, and filled with 500 kg of rocks at a temperature of 1800C. A cover made from concrete is also to be affixed over the brazier at all times.
Instances are to be allowed to roam freely so that researchers can study them at their leisure.
Any personnel who approach SCP-355 (or any of its components) without authorization will be administered Class-A amnestics and a detention meeting with the Administrator assigned.
Description: SCP-355 is a collection of stone components that is essentially a pile of rocks arranged in a particular manner. The shape of SCP-355's components resembles the leg and foot of a snake, with the part closest to the tail being the rock pile's head. SCP-355 is capable of movement on its own, with SCP-355 moving forward in a serpentine fashion whenever its components are disturbed.
Instances of SCP-355 are classified into the following classes:
The largest class designated by SCP-355 instances consists of giant snakes ranging from 11 m long to 25 m long, which have been observed to have an intelligence similar to non-anomalous snakes. These snakes must be avoided by all personnel.
SCP-355 can take on other forms and make different sounding noises depending on the composition and arrangement of its components. This can manifest itself in the form of different shaped stones (such as rocks shaped like human faces), or rearranged stones making different sounds that resemble voices speaking in many languages.
SCP-355 has been shown capable of eating stones directly, with it regurgitating them when done so. It can also drink water directly from its surroundings. In addition, multiple instances of SCP-355 can cooperate to carry out complex tasks such as transporting large amounts of rocks (including deceased SCP-355 instances) farther down into their mountain structure by means of telekinesis.
Addendum 355-1: After discovering instances of SCP-355, Dr. ████ began to take samples of the components found in the instance's stomach and beak. After conducting tests on these samples, it was found that the specimens contained the following in their digestive systems: