Picture of SCP-358.
Item #: SCP-358
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: The area surrounding SCP-357 is to be thoroughly explored by all Foundation personnel, with a total of five exploration teams deemed necessary before the area is considered clean. As such, all personnel entering this area are to be fully equipped in order to survive any entrapment. Any personnel found within SCP-357 are to be killed immediately.
Any civilian found within the area of SCP-357 is to be contained and questioned for information regarding SCP-357's properties. The civilian must be terminated if they express fear or display other signs of distress at the topic of SCP-357, or if they attempt to flee, or if they are found possessing knowledge of SCP-357.
All material recovered from the area of SCP-357 is to be stored at Site-64. Any material suspected of being created by sentient subjects is to be destroyed immediately and any remains of subjects are to be stored in a refrigerated container until further notice.
Description: SCP-357 is an area of abandoned mine shafts located beneath ████, California. The area is accessible via an entrance made from two iron doors, covered in the pattern of a skull and crossbones. When these doors are opened and their respective handles turned simultaneously, the material covering these doors will fall down, revealing an empty space underneath them.
When any subject enters SCP-357 for the first time, they will, of their own free will, enter an unstated chase sequence which will continue until the subject reaches SCP-357's exit from the entrance. Upon reaching the door, it will retract into its cover with no external signs of having been opened. The subject will then have the remainder of their lives to live before they will die at the age of ███ years. At that time, they will lose consciousness and be found dead in their home by a Foundation search team.
Interviewed: Researcher C████, who entered SCP-357 on ██/██/██.
Interviewer: Dr. P███████
Foreword: Researcher C████ was interviewed regarding his experiences while in SCP-357.
Dr. P███████: Alright then, as I mentioned before, tell me about your experience with SCP-357?
Dr. C████: Well theoretically speaking… we were all told to explore this area. We only had cameras to provide us with information about the surroundings but since none of us knew what we were getting ourselves into… that wasn't much help on our first day inside there. As far as I can remember we kept up a conversation but eventually everyone went silent and just stared at each other for a few minutes after we first stepped inside there… it was really creepy but pretty cool at the same time so I suppose that's why most of us didn't feel too bad about exploring it further than going inside straight away.
Dr. P███████: When did you first feel discomfort?
Dr. C████: Well after a little bit of walking I felt like something was watching me and when I turned around…'there', something had appeared behind me! It was… 'scary' looking and much bigger than any sight my eyes could see so I decided to turn around and run right out of there as fast as I could… when I got outside there was nothing there waiting for me though so that made me think twice to come back out again.
Dr. P███████: Can you describe what you saw?
Dr. C████: There were two monsters made out of bits and pieces of metals that were clanking around together like jackhammers trying to hammer something in place but without being able to do anything else because if one bit stopped working it would just crumble away so they were stuck trying to do whatever it was for ages but couldn't get anywhere close together either because if one piece came closer to another another piece would shatter and vice versa…. eventually though one managed to carve something out of the ground with a metal bar and two holes made out of different metals filled with big liquid metal balls that caused loud thunderous noises when they collided together…. quite nice actually!
Dr. P███████: How long did you spend exploring this area?
Dr. C████: Well we all explored on different days before we started getting bored off doing nothing so nobody lasted more than a couple days before getting bored off everything again… when boredom set in everybody explored all by their own while others argued against each other over who explored inside where next… fun times died fast though because eventually someone got killed due to being chased by some unknown force… which is why we're all here now informing you guys about it all right now instead of wasting our time inside there anymore!
Closing Statement: Researcher C████ has been terminated.
Addendum: SCP-342 was first discovered on ██/01/2001, when a Foundation agent was sent to investigate a possible anomaly near ███████. Upon reaching the object, he reported that he could see a route through it. A radio transmission to Mobile Task Force Epsilon-7 (Mobile Task Force Omicron-7) was attempted; however, the signal was blocked by an unknown factor.
The following objects were observed traversing SCP-342 between the dates noted in brackets: