Picture of SCP-360.
Item #: SCP-360
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: The area surrounding SCP-360 is to be fenced off, and access is to be granted only to personnel with Level-2 security clearance or higher. Personnel who wish to visit the area should inform their supervisors of any hazardous substances they may encounter.
If any human specimens are still alive after contact with SCP-360, they are to be kept in an adjacent cell, isolated from the main chamber and provided with sufficient food, water and air. The subjects must not be permitted outside SCP-360's containment chamber otherwise the effect will dissipate, and they will immediately regain their senses. Any subjects which survive the process are to be humanely terminated via injection of amnestics; this may be delayed if necessary for scientific study of the substance.
Description: SCP-360 is a continuously functioning, self-replicating nanobot. Due to the nature of their replication process, the range of SCP-360s (and the entire containment area) is exponentially growing. When placed in a six cubic meter space, the current range of SCP-360s (estimated to be over twelve million) will eventually reach into the entire distance between Earth and the Moon. At this point, all human specimens will undergo a process similar to that described above and will lose their memories of being in SCP-360.
SCP-360 was first encountered on ████'███ when a subject attempted to transport several specimens from another site. In addition, three subjects voluntarily attempted to leave their cell in order to trace the source of SCP-360. Upon exiting their cell, all subjects immediately became severely disoriented and began screaming for help. All subjects were found dead shortly afterwards, with multiple levels of hypothermia and aspiration injuries present in all cases. Autopsies performed by an individual with Level-2 clearance confirmed that these injuries were consistent with surviving exposure to dry ice vapors or other substances known to cause lung damage or death in humans.
Experiment Log 360-A
Subject: D-55632
Object: SCP-360
Procedure: Subject must remain within SCP-360's containment chamber for ██ hours.
Results: Subject is found to have died from exposure to dry ice or carbon dioxide inhalation. However, subject's lungs are not filled with carbonated fluid, but instead with a viscous liquid. This liquid has been determined to be composed of a complex mixture of chemicals including xanthan gum, methylcellulose, levulinic acid and various amino acids. Human specimens who survive the process do not appear to possess this mixture in their lungs, but instead in their digestive tract. Researchers hypothesize that the substance is produced by the subject's own cells as they consume the food provided by the Foundation. A similar substance has been discovered in the digestive tracts of other human specimens who have survived exposure to SCP-360.