Picture of SCP-362.
Item #: SCP-362
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-361 is to be contained in a specially constructed containment chamber. The chamber is to be made from steel, with a security level of 3 ("Ceiling Carelessly Vented"). Any human that enters the chamber must be restrained at their least-dangerous movement before entering. Once inside the chamber, the door is to be closed and locked. At this point, the door must remain closed for 3 consecutive minutes and no staff members should enter or leave the room while in this state. This will continue until any entity exiting the chamber has experienced complete psychological and/or physical removal of all traumatic experiences (including but not limited to death, near-death, loss of limbs, bodily mutilation).
SCP-361's containment chamber is to receive no further alterations after initial construction, aside from rewiring the emergency exit in case of an emergency.
Description: SCP-361 is a humanoid entity that resembles a male adolescent with brown hair, blue eyes. While the subject's head and torso are intact, the rest of its body has been surgically altered to resemble a human made from plastic and metal.
SCP-361 is capable of communicating in a variety of languages that it learned through experience as a member of a traveling circus. It does not appear to exhibit any signs of age or gender, but claims to be female.
After having no contact for over 4 months (with the exception of brief, non-verbal interactions in passing), SCP-361 will begin speaking in an unfamiliar language if one is speaking to it directly. In this state, SCP-361 will become hostile towards those attempting to interact with it, often by violently hurling them against the walls or floor until they stop moving.
While SCP-361 appears to speak fluent English while cognisant, both recorded and spontaneous recordings have proven inconclusive on whether SCP-361 knows any languages other than his own.
As its designation suggests, SCP-361 is exceptionally good at throwing objects with great accuracy (often striking vital organs in the process). It usually uses these skills against anyone who initiates conversation with it.
Following an incident involving ███ Foundation personnel and multiple SCP objects (such as civilian casualties and damage to property), SCP-361 was declared Keter class and contained at Site-576.
Addendum: SCP-342 was first discovered on ██/01/2001, when a Foundation agent was sent to investigate a possible anomaly near ███████. Upon reaching the object, he reported that he could see a route through it. A radio transmission to Mobile Task Force Epsilon-7 (Mobile Task Force Omicron-7) was attempted; however, the signal was blocked by an unknown factor.
The following objects were observed traversing SCP-342 between the dates noted in brackets: